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5 Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content


Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content With These 5 Tools

You create an amazing post based on your detailed content research

Then you wait for the likes, comments and shares to arrive. But all you can hear are crickets, with maybe two or three spammy accounts leaving an unrelated comment. 

Disappointing, right?

There’s something that people tend to forget: the success of your content doesn’t start or ends when you hit the publish button. This is just one middle step. 

If you create amazing posts but you fail to put it in front of the right eyes, or if can’t use your content performance as a way to build your long term strategies, you will wasting your time.

In this article, I will share some of my favorite tools that will help you distribute your content, analyze how it performs, and make sure that you are not stuck on the publishing middle step. 

What should you do after hitting the publish button?

There are two main things that your content needs from you: 

  • A clear and well-directed effort to put it in front of your users
  • A highly analytical view of what is working and what is not

Content Distribution refers to the process that starts with a published post that goes across different communities. This strategic instance is focused on just putting the content in front of people that can be interested in it. Tasks that count as content distribution include everything from sharing your post on your different platforms, including a link to your blog post on a Facebook group but also benign an active member of those communities that you see as a potential audiences. 

Content analysis, on the other hand, is what will help you turn your current efforts into helpful information for a long-term strategy. Analyzing your content performance includes everything from organic marketing efforts to paid ads, finding out why your viral content becomes viral and why a cero-engagement video was not the best fit for your audience.

The good part about both content distribution and content analysis is that it can be done from different approaches, within any budget starting from a 0 dollar investment. 

5 tools that will help you distribute and analize your content

Triberr Promote

Triberr is a content promotion tool that is targetted to bloggers and influencers, with a special focus on the specific goal from this industry: content reach. Tribber gives influencers a place for them to both connect with other creators but also start their own tribbes based on certain interests, increase their shares and build meaningful relationships. When you come into tribber you will find a place where content is highly appreciated and people who consume what do you will be happy to follow you and know more about what you do.

5 Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content

Who is triberr for

Checking triberr promote is a great first step towards any infliuencer who wants to improve their content reach. Even if you decide that it is not the best fit for your current needs and budget, it will give you a clear starting point of what content distribution means for you as a content creator.


Discourse is an open platform that serves to create different communities. Everyone from companies to influencers or even content creators can use it as a way to find their own online spaces. 

This community building platform has different tracking tools that can help you make the most out of your communities. You can track different products and even moderate the interactions within your groups. Also, you will find that your forums can easily be customized based on your own brand goals and business structure in general. Building a strong community on Discourse gives you an engaging platform where you can easily share what you do and be sure that it will be seen by people that can take advantage of it.

5 Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content

Who is Discourse for

Discourse is a paid tool so it can be a great option for those influencers who are already making a profit from the content and want to upgrade their content distribution strategies. It is a good next step for those who are looking to grow outside of conventional social media platforms. 

My main recommendation would be to do your research before a singing up for discord. See if companies that are in your industry and see if your industry is already growing there. For example, you cannot find any success stories regarding the beauty industry and you’re an influencer who wants to grow a community of people who are makeup artists,maybe focusing your efforts here is not the best option for you.


Storychief is a tool that was first released in the year. And it has a clear goal of making content publishing more efficient. It offers an all in one publishing platform that allows you to share your content in multiple communities at the same time with an easy-to-use interface.

If you’re creating content that is intended to be multi-platform, and you want to find an easy way to avoid different sharing processes, then storage chief is a great way to save time, stress and to make sure that you’re going to leave any platform behind.

5 Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content

Who is Storychief for

Story chief is not a free tool, so it will imply a considerable investment for those who decide to use its features. You have the option to book a demo and see how a strategy can be used for your specific goals. Or you can choose them for a 14-day free trial. However, the plans are all paid and start at $100 per month it is not a cheap tool. However, it can be a great option for those comments. creators who are already profitable and return from their content and want to streamline processes in order to save time and keep failing.


5 Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content

Community building is important, but having an efficient tool to both distribute and analize how your content is working gives you the key for long-term success. Metricool is comprehensive platform that offers a chance for you to plan and analize your content based on different platforms. With a complete offer of integrations that includes every social media platofrm that you can tink of, metricool allows you to implement a clear content plan while also seting the foundations for a performance analysis. 

With an approach that includes both organic and paid progress, metricool has tools that will help you track everything from your keyword’s potential to your ads performance and revenue. You can also see what your competitors are doing and check the impact of your content in real time. 

Who is metricool for

Having a tool to help you both share and analize your content is a time saver that any influencer should consider. Metricool offers a free plan for those who will only use it for one brand, and this is a huge advantage for any influencer. You can easily take advantage of its benefits in order to grow your personal online presence. 


5 Tools To Make The Most Out Of Your Published Content

AgoraPulse is a social media management platform that gives you the chance to plan, monitor and analyze your multi-platform content in one place. From inbox management to social media ROI reports, Agorapulse gives you all the tools that you need in order to take care of your audience both in the short and long term.

It is easy pretty easy to use and, according to its own website, its customer service will reply to any of your questions within 30 minutes. This makes it easy to approach for busy entrepreneurs who don’t have the time to figure out new complicated tools.

Who is Agorapulse for

With its 30-day free trial, you can try its features to see if you are comfortable with the interface and how it complements your current strategies. However, after this trial, you will need to invest at least 49USD per month.

How influencers can approach both content distribution and analysis

If you are trying to turn your content efforts into long-term strategies, a combination of an efficient community building platform and a highly analytical performance tool is the way to go. 

Avoid trying to grow a community on 4 different platforms at the same time or approach data analysis with a variety of tools. Doing a strong research work and sticking with the ones that seem like the best fit is a necessary step to avoid losing time and feeling overwhelmed with the whole process. 

karina gandola

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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