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Linktree vs. Tap Bio


Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

Which link-in-bio service is best for content creators?

There are many different tools and services you can use to create these pages. Today, we will be taking a look at Linktree vs. Tap Bio.

The link in your bio is one of the most important aspects of your social profile and personal brand. This is the gateway to the rest of your content, so you need to make sure that link is a memorable one.

In older influencer days, you had to constantly switch out the link in your bio each time you had a new product you wanted to promote, or you uploaded your latest Youtube video. This was time consuming, tedious, and oftentimes even confusing for followers who may have gone to your bio expecting one thing, only to see another. 

These days, that problem has been eradicated as you can now create a personalized landing page. These landing pages have all your information that you need in one convenient link.  


Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

Founded in 2016, Linktree is the earliest link-in-bio tool on the market and by far the most popular as well. With over 30 million users, many of those being famous clientele, such as Selena Gomez and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, this service is clearly trusted by many.

The site was founded by Australian entrepreneurs (and brothers) Alex and Anthony Zaccaria, along with their business partner Nick Humphreys whilst working at their digital marketing agency Bolster. They found themselves with the same problem so many of us have – changing out the link in your bio is exhausting. And so, Linktree was born.

How Does It Work?

After you sign up, you can start designing your custom Linktree in a matter of minutes. Simply input your links and you can create a simple, memorable page with a range of different templates and designs.

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

Linktree is automatically paired with social profiles such as Youtube and Spotify, so you can easily integrate these links. But if you have an original link, such as a custom domain to a website or blog, you can add that as well.

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

You can even design how your buttons look, as seen below.

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

Once you add your links and choose a theme or design, you can publish your Linktree for your followers to see. 

Your final Linktree could look like these influencers – twins Brooklyn and Bailey McKnight.

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

The twins have kept it simple with just four links you can look through and a simple background that won’t overwhelm their audience.

But you can play around with different designs and even animations if you upgrade.

You can see analytics such as total clicks and views and click-through rate as well. Below is an example of what your data could look like

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

However, there are some limits to the free version. Many templates, extra analytics, and more exclusive features are behind a paywall. If you want to upgrade, you can choose between 3 pricing plans.

The starter plan is $5 USD a month and allows you access to some more of those templates and analytics, as well as the ability to spotlight a link, which is helpful if you have a promotion or sale going on.

The pro plan is $9 USD a month and is Linktree’s most popular plan. This allows you to have access to the rest of the templates and all the analytics you need as a creator, including commerce analytics if you choose to connect payment applications such as Paypal or Square. When you connect your online store to your site, you can easily run all your ecommerce from your Linktree dashboard, which can be very helpful.

The last plan is $24 USD a month and is known as the premium plan. This gives you exclusive features such as dedicated customer support in under 4 hours or less and gives you access to lifetime analytics, whereas the pro plan only shows you analytics from the past year. This plan is most suitable for larger businesses. 

Tap Bio

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

Tap Bio is a link-in-bio tool that specializes in Instagram marketing. 

The site was founded by Jesse Engle, who designed Twitter-scheduling-app CoTweet and Ryan Walker, who worked for Apple. The two also created Link In Profile, which is another link in bio service.

How does it work?

Tap Bio works by users creating different cards that you can tap through, sort of like how you tap through Instagram stories. With many different templates you can use, you can design your Tap Bio however you’d like, essentially creating a miniature website without your followers ever having to leave your Instagram page.

Once you sign up, you are prompted to pick a website name and start designing your cards. Your page will look something like this –

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

These cards are easy to edit if you have limited design experience. Simply click on the space you want text to do and add what you want to say. You can change colors, size, and templates depending on what you want to share.

Louis Cole, an English travel vlogger, uses Tap Bio. You can look at his landing page below.

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers
Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

As you can see, as a Youtuber, he utilized the Youtube Card and Profile card, and stuck to choosing just two cards for a more simple design.

Below are some other cards you can choose from. You can choose to have a card that focus on one specific link, perhaps to lead to your website for a specific promotion,  have a list of links, similar to Linktree’s format, display your Instagram posts or your tweets, along with a few Beta options that have not yet been released.

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

You are also given access to limited analytics, as seen below. 

Linktree vs. Tap bio – feature comparison for creators and influencers

You can stay on the free plan forever without ever having to upgrade, unlike some link-in-bio services. But there are also 3 pricing tiers you can choose from if you wish to upgrade.

It’s important to note that the free plan only gives you one card, which means you can’t tap through different cards as the name suggests. This one card you have is the “Profile Card”, which is where you can showcase your profile photo, a bio, and your social profile links. You can also add tags to show what type of content you’re producing.

The other pricing tiers are as follows:

The Silver plan is $3 USD a month and allows you to design up to 3 cards. You can also view your statistics, which the free plan does not allow you to do. 

The Gold plan is $8 USD a month, and you are automatically signed up for this one month free trial when you sign up. This allows you to play around with all the different card options before deciding which plan you really want. You are allowed unlimited cards on this plan, can manage up to 3 accounts, and you have access to Facebook tracking pixels and Google analytics is automatically integrated in.

You also get to remove the “Friends of Tap Bio” page which is automatically on your card on the Silver and Free plan.

The other option is called the Premium plan, which you have to contact Tap Bio for directly. This allows you to have custom branding.

Which one is best for you?

Luckily, either service will allow you to create a clean, creative landing page. For a more simple design, Linktree could be your best option, whereas Tap Bio may allow some extra creativity. 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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