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The Expert Guide to Influencer Marketing in 2023 Report by Humanz


The Influencer Marketing in 2023 Report by Humanz

Netinfluencer will go on to describe the key findings from Humanz’s The Expert Guide to Influencer Marketing in 2023 report.

As 2022 draws to a close, it is vital that we look back on the achievements of the influencer marketing industry as a whole. Many businesses have found great success through this form of marketing, inspiring others to recruit influencers as part of their next social media campaign.  

The Influencer Marketing in 2023 Report by Humanz

Who Conducted the Survey?

Founded by Liav Chen, Humanz is a comprehensive influencer marketing platform that allows brands to connect with high-quality creators with ease. Using a wealth of data-driven initiatives, this platform seeks out the most appropriate influencer for a wealth of leading brands such as McDonald’s and Adidas. 

Since launching in 2019, Humanz has been working tirelessly to eliminate the nuisance of fake profiles, using a variety of powerful AI tools. As such, brands are better able to assess the effectiveness of an influencer without worrying about fraudulent activity. 

Survey Methodology

The Expert Guide to Influencer Marketing in 2023 report collates a selection of Humanz’s other work to create an in-depth overview of the workings of this industry.

This report presents findings from studies such as The Creator Economy in 2022, Planning Toward a Successful Influencer Marketing Initiative, Selecting the Right Influencer Partners, and Creating Great Content That Drives Sales.

In turn, the report discussed in this article showcases all of the brand’s work across 2022 and how it can develop our knowledge of the entire creator economy. 

Three Key Findings

  1. 5-15% of an influencer’s content is discovered through an organic search.
  2. 57% of influencers state that their engagement rate increases when they work with the same brand over a long period of time.
  3. On average, influencers drive audiences that are 5x more likely to convert.

What Does This Mean for Influencer Marketing?

The first takeaway informs us that follower count is not always an accurate metric for an influencer’s success. With only a small percentage of people viewing content organically, this statistic highlights how an influencer’s work is often shared across multiple platforms at once. Therefore, brands should focus on more valuable performance markers such as reach and engagement rate.

The Influencer Marketing in 2023 Report by Humanz

With nearly 60% of influencers seeing a larger engagement rate through long-term partnerships, Humanz denotes the value of loyal brands. This finding can help to push brands to seek out the best influencer for them, inspiring them to complete a variety of prosperous and long-lasting campaigns. This also leads us to believe that brand partnerships are a benefit for both parties as influencers and brands are seeing an influx of growth. 

The Influencer Marketing in 2023 Report by Humanz

The third finding from this report states how influencers are able to drive conversions at a much higher rate than traditional forms of advertising. As such, many businesses do not have to dread using Cost-per-Click campaigns, as content creators are more likely to offer a higher ROI. Thus, we can assume that influencer marketing provides businesses with a plethora of rewards, compared to typical social media ads. 

The Influencer Marketing in 2023 Report by Humanz

Link to the Report

The Expert Guide to Influencer Marketing in 2023 can be found on Humanz’s website alongside the other works that are seen in this report.

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Melody Day is a UK-based copywriter, working in developing industries such as travel, beauty, and lifestyle. She creates digestible copy that is fully optimized for SEO and gains positive engagement from readers. They are able to create engaging blogs and website copy for a range of unique brands.

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