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Tussalty, The Fast Journey And Luxuries Insights To The World Of A Tech Influencer (1)


Tussalty, The Fast Journey and Luxuries: Insights To The World Of A Tech Influencer

Attaining significant brand deals, cultivating a loyal fanbase, and solidifying an online presence differ for each creator; numerous factors influence the speed at which one can achieve substantial success.

With pressure from his parents, determination to make a profitable living, and a full-on grind to become one of the biggest names in “Tech TikTok,” today we sit down with Tussalty to learn more about his fast-paced journey to over 1 million followers in less than a year. 

Who is Tussalty? 

Tussalty, The Fast Journey and Luxuries: Insights To The World Of A Tech Influencer

Ian Bellinger, who TikTokers may recognize as Tussalty, is an enthusiastic creator who built a professional career driven by his dedication to innovative technologies and the latest releases.

However, the content wasn’t always about tech for Tussalty. Before becoming the product reviewer and energetic creator we see today, Ian was all-in on streaming and fully invested in showcasing his video gaming talents on Twitch, where he also saw huge success.

When and Why Did You Start Content Creation?

Tussalty, The Fast Journey and Luxuries: Insights To The World Of A Tech Influencer

“I just love tech, and after streaming for a few years on Twitch and gaining a clearer understanding of what is achievable, I shifted platforms and saw a huge demand for the content I create.” 

Ian explains that although his past pursuits of streaming were motivated by nothing else than a passion for video games and endless free time during the pandemic, his divergence to the tech world was driven by much more. 

He tells us, “I started making videos in January of 2023, and the initial reason was that it gave me a sense of being productive outside of streaming.” 

“I dropped out of school to pursue streaming and went back to school with my streaming career still in mind. This was until my parents gave me an ultimatum to either return to school or get a full-time job.” 

“Since I was spending most of my time at Community College streaming, I decided to get a full-time job and focus more on my career as a creator on my free time.” 

He adds, “This was around when I first got signed to my talent management agency, and at a very early stage, it all started to make sense to my parents. Progress was booming, and things took off from there.” 

Day In The Life Of A Tech Creator

Tussalty, The Fast Journey and Luxuries: Insights To The World Of A Tech Influencer

The Morning Grind 

“Waking up around 9 am, I like to start my day with the mundane tasks that come with content creation, making phone calls, replying to emails, tracking progress, and hopping on meetings.” 

“After all the small things are out of the way, I eat something and zone into the creative mind, but I also learned that creativity flows best when focused on one specific creative task on a larger scale.” 

Afternoons Of Mass Production 

“I like to dedicate specific days to focusing on just one element of content creation, so although all my mornings look the same, I block off one day for editing, the next for filming, and I’d say that filming is by far the most tedious one.” 

“I like to take my time, shoot every scene a few times, and sometimes diverge from the original script to make the video flow better, but aside from that, scriptwriting is the only creative task that I’d squeeze into almost every day.”

Hobbies and workouts 

“Basketball and working out are also a major part of my day and my favorite hobbies to stay active. After the creative day that often ends around sunset, I’d eat something, wrap up any scheduled calls, and head out to get active.”

“If I’m not playing basketball, I’m working out, which wraps up my day as a creator serving all areas of my life. In addition, I’ve recently been working on including YouTube days into my routine, blocking off a day or two for recording long-form videos for my channel, which is currently at 43.6k subscribers.” 

What Are Some Difficulties You Faced Along The Way? 

Proving to My Parents that Content Creation is a Full-time Job 

“I wouldn’t say that there were any creative or productive obstacles since my whole life is built around tech, but proving to my parents the viability of making this my full-time career was the hardest part.” 

Losing People and Friends For Being Overly Focused On Work

“Many hard-working creators can relate, but the grind is lonely, and to make it big, you’re bound to sabotage some relationships. Not that they can’t be restored or replaced now that I’ve reached my objective, but that’s just another downside of working so hard as a creator.”

What are some of Your Future Content Creation Goals?

“Big,” he answers quickly, “I want to take this same type of content to major streaming services or turn it into a TV show. Short episodes of reviews, updates, and insights, and I think that it is a realistic goal from the production aspect to quality and flow; I can see the full image.”

Tell Us About Any Unexpected Moments That Made Success Possible  

“My management team really took a risk on me, signing me at a very early stage in my career, and that helped me see it through as a creator and boosted my confidence in how far I can take things.”

“I know that getting a management team is often something that happens later in a creator’s career, but I’m truly thankful that they had an eye for talent and blindly trusted that I could add value to their brand.”

Let’s Talk About Brand Deals and Sponsorships.

Tell Us About The Brands You’ve Worked With

“T-Mobile, The NBA, Samsung, and OnStar are just a few of the brands which opened my eyes to the level of influence I have and the effectiveness in communicating brand messages and delivering value.”

“Many of these deals come with free products; one of my favorites so far has to be the Chevrolet Taho from OnStar.”

What Do Collaborations Look Like Behind The Scenes?

“Although most of the deals I’ve landed are simply one-time product promotions, that’s not always how it goes; some of the mentioned promos require me to attend an event and speak, which is also fun because I get to see new places and build new connections.”

What Do You Look For in Brand Collaborations? 

“I have absolutely no limits when it comes to collaborations. If I like the product or believe in the service, my management team and I will make it happen.” 

Tussalty adds, “As long as what I’m promoting doesn’t go against who I am, like maybe makeup, I’d never promote that because I’d never use it.”

“Though I’m open to learning about new products and companies and broadening my horizons, It all boils down to the product value and financial compensation gained from the deal.”

Will You Ever Introduce Your Own Product Or Brand?

Wrapping up the interview, we had to ask if Tussalty would ever use his influence and authority in the tech market to introduce his own tech brand. 

He answers, “Absolutely! There are certainly ongoing efforts in that realm of business, and although I can’t speak much of it as of now, readers should follow along to be some of the first to learn about product launches.”

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