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Should You Use Snapchat’s Latest AI Bot


Should You Use Snapchat’s Latest AI Bot?

AI has managed to become a keen talking point across a plethora of sectors and the industry is expected to reach $1.59 trillion by 2030. The latest app to adhere to this lucrative trend is Snapchat, introducing a unique bot that users can interact with. To explore this trend further, Netinfluencer will express all the details relating to Snapchat’s newest AI bot. 

What Is the Snapchat AI Feature?

In March 2023, Snapchat announced its latest endeavor into the alluring world of AI, introducing its very own My AI bot. This feature is powered by ChatGPT, giving users the chance to interact with a unique bot that can express language and adapt based on various conversation topics. Alongside these capabilities, Snapchat has trained the bot to follow its community guidelines, ensuring that users are kept safe and protected at all times.

My AI also makes use of a range of enacting character features, allowing users to customize their avatars. Thus, users can create the illusion that they are conversing with an actual human with an array of creative attributes. 

This tool is also implemented into Snap’s conventional chat interface, meaning that users can talk to My AI in exactly the same way as their other contacts. When chatting with this bot, you will be redirected to a blank chat screen where you can then ask a wealth of interesting questions for your bot to answer. 


Why Was It Released?

Though it is not surprising that more and more social media platforms are redirecting their interests toward the power of AI, it seems that Snapchat is also looking to collaborate with OpenAI. The platform has also mentioned its affiliation with OpenAI’s Foundry, a separate organization that allows users to purchase select computing systems to run ChatGPT on their own software. Thus, Snapchat may be utilizing this software as a way to become more competitive against other platforms within this market.

Snapchat also hopes that users can use the AI bot to form lengthy conversations, which in turn, can help boost the power of the software as a whole. The platform also believes that it is well equipped to do this since it has already established itself as a keen messaging app for many years. As a result, Snapchat may be looking to reconstruct its brand, upholding a reputation for its cutting-edge technological advancements. 


How Do I Use My AI Bot?

In order to find the My AI bot you must first open the latest version of the Snapchat app. From the landing page, swipe right to the camera screen. From here, select the chat feed. Once you have accessed your chat page, you can select the My AI bot, which should be shown at the top of the screen.

When you open a chat with My AI, you will be presented with a blank message screen. Here, you must ask the bot a question such as ‘What is your favorite type of fruit?’ After a few seconds, the bot will type back a response to help keep the conversation flowing.

If you wish to delete your data from the My AI bot, you can do this in your personal privacy settings. Open the Privacy Controls tab in your profile and then select Clear Data. 


Where Can I Access This Feature?

Previously, the My AI bot was only available to Snapchat + members, which are those subscribed to the platform’s paid membership program. However, in April 2023, the platform announced that it would be rolling out the feature to all users, making the bot a highly sought-after feature. 

Now that it is a permanent feature in the app, the tool is said to be gaining a new set of skills such as the ability to create images within Snapchat. This coincides with Open AI’s push for text-to-image AI capabilities and showcases how versatile the technology can be. 

Benefits of Using Snapchat’s My AI as an Influencer

The Snapchat My AI bot is a fantastic asset for those looking to experiment with ChatGPT without having to use the software directly. Since this bot uses the same functionality as other chat features within the app, influencers now have the chance to analyze how this tool works on a regular basis and assess whether it is something they could use to amplify their content strategy. In turn, influencers can play around with My AI whilst learning more about its potential in the wider circles of the industry.

Since its launch, this feature has grown into a viral trend with many content creators sharing their latest antics with this bot. As a result, this tool can be a great way to jump on the latest trend and produce content that is engaging to modern audiences. Therefore, content creators have the potential to create a plethora of multimedia content just by using a simple bot found within the confines of an already popular app.  

Due to the nature of this bot, it has been specifically programmed to avoid controversial talking points such as religion and politics. This is particularly beneficial for those who often create family-friendly content, meaning that influencers can make use of this feature without the risk of creating harmful content for their audience. As such, this highlights the versatile nature of My AI and how it has the potential to become a staple part of social media. 


The introduction of Snapchat’s latest My AI bot has created a vast amount of attention, particularly from content creators who are eager to see how this software works on social media. As a result, this bot has the potential to reimagine how influencers interact with AI and how it can positively impact the industry as a whole. 

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Melody Day is a UK-based copywriter, working in developing industries such as travel, beauty, and lifestyle. She creates digestible copy that is fully optimized for SEO and gains positive engagement from readers. They are able to create engaging blogs and website copy for a range of unique brands.

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