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The Reasons Why People Dislike Youtube Videos and How to Avoid It


The Reasons Why People Dislike Youtube Videos and How to Avoid It

As a content creator, you may have wondered why people dislike YouTube videos and whether dislikes have a negative impact on engagement. Fortunately, dislikes don’t have as much power as you may think, and they can serve as a tool to help you create the best content for your audience. Keep reading to learn why people dislike YouTube videos and ways to avoid it.

Why do people dislike YouTube videos? As a content creator, you may have wondered about the answer to this question. Viewers can click the dislike button on any video they didn’t enjoy and do so for several different reasons. You might also wonder if dislikes on your YouTube videos negatively impact your engagement rates. 

Dislikes don’t have as much power as you may think, and they can serve as a tool to help you create the best content for your audience. Read on to learn more as NetInfluencer discusses why people dislike YouTube videos and how to minimize them. 

How Dislikes Impact Your YouTube Account

Video dislike count is only part of the equation when measuring a YouTube account’s success. The YouTube algorithm also looks at video watch time to gauge how well you can hold a viewer’s attention. Audience retention and subscriber count come into play as well. The good news about dislikes is that both a thumbs up and a thumbs down on a video both count as engagement. YouTube dislikes are more beneficial for the viewer, as it helps the algorithm suggest more relevant content. 

As a creator, dislikes provide insight into how well your audience resonates with your content. If you notice a pattern of frequent dislikes or negative comments, you may want to rethink your strategy. Although YouTube recently chose to hide the dislike count on videos from the public, content creators can still view their dislikes through their private accounts. There are also plugins and browser extensions that unhide dislikes, but there’s debate on how accurate the tallies are. 

Why Do People Dislike YouTube Videos?

Now that we’ve covered the impact dislikes can have on your YouTube account, let’s look at why viewers dislike videos in the first place. 

  • To Provide Feedback: Some YouTube users like to give honest feedback in the form of a dislike. Doing so allows a viewer to feel seen and heard, as the feedback makes it back to the content creator and provides the platform with data about the user’s behavior and interests.
  • To Influence the Algorithm: As mentioned above, many viewers click the dislike button on a video because it influences the YouTube algorithm. The platform will suggest less content similar to the disliked video, allowing for a more customized experience. 
  • They’re Trolling: The internet is full of all types of people, and unfortunately, not everyone has good intentions. Viewers may dislike a YouTube video because they feel spiteful, have a bad day, or are a troll. While there’s no way to tell whether or not your dislikes are coming from trolls, these people also have a pattern of leaving nasty comments. 
  • Disliked By Accident: Because both the like and dislike buttons are so close to each other, viewers can sometimes click dislike by accident. However, keep in mind this usually only accounts for a small number of dislikes on a video. 

How To Avoid YouTube Dislikes

While you won’t be able to completely avoid getting dislikes on your YouTube videos, there are ways to minimize your chances. Here are some easy ways to boost positive engagement.

Create High-Value Content

The simplest way to avoid getting dislikes on your YouTube videos is to create content your audience loves. Keep your eye on any trends and patterns and adjust your strategy accordingly. Spend time analyzing engagement and note your highest-performing videos. Creating more of what your audience wants to see keeps your audience happy and brings in new viewers and subscribers.

The Reasons Why People Dislike Youtube Videos and How to Avoid It


If you do get dislikes on your videos, look at them from a big-picture perspective. While it’s tempting to get hung up on a random dislike here and there, the overall pattern tells the most accurate story. If you notice a specific type of video doesn’t get as much engagement as others or gets more dislikes, consider making less of those in the future.

Avoid Unnecessary Controversy

Depending on your niche, your videos may have an element of controversy. Today, the internet is saturated with intense, differing opinions on just about everything, from politics to celebrities. While you shouldn’t feel the need to censor yourself, consider minimizing the amount of drama in your content. Also, avoid being offensive and steer clear of sexist and racist language. 

If you are covering an emotionally-charged topic, try to create from a level-headed place. Always cite your sources if you’re covering a news topic and provide links where your audience can explore themselves. People are more likely to click the dislike button on a YouTube video that rubs them the wrong way. The best thing you can do is try not to give them a reason. 

Make Content Personal

The more personal you are with your audience as a content creator, the better. While you don’t have to share private details, striving to show up authentically goes a long way. Giving your viewers a sneak peek into your home life shows that you’re a real person and makes you relatable. It also creates a greater sense of loyalty that can outweigh the occasional dislike or negative comment.

Additionally, be consistent and follow through on promises to your audience. For example, if you mention in your vlog that you plan on creating an anticipated product review next week, make sure you stick with it. Consistency helps foster trust between you and your audience and gives them less of a reason to dislike your videos or unsubscribe.

The Reasons Why People Dislike Youtube Videos and How to Avoid It


Use Your Analytics

YouTube offers free analytics tools for creators that provide insight into content and audience behavior. You can access your analytics through your YouTube Studio dashboard. Run watch time and engagement reports to stay informed and adjust your content creation strategy as needed. 

You can also invest in third-party YouTube analytics tools, like Sprout Social and Unbox, to gain further insights and see how your content stacks up against the competition. Remember, the more tailored your content is to your audience, the more likely they will enjoy it.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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