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How To Get a Manager As An Influencer - Tips and Strategies


How To Get a Manager As An Influencer – Tips and Strategies

Influencer marketing managers are masters of viral campaign marketing that have a business-correlated outcome to every move you make to grow or expand your brand.

They manage everything from who you should reach out and collaborate with, to how much you should charge per paid promotion. 

Their expertise on the business side of things will help you grow professionally and much faster than what you would have on your own. 

How To Get a Manager As An Influencer - Tips and Strategies


What does an influencer marketing manager do? 

Development and execution of inbound marketing efforts. 

A good marketing manager is one with a track record of successful campaign portfolios of high engagement, with data graphs and stats supporting each collaboration and campaign. 

Many factors go into launching the perfect campaign, such as who to target, what to say, and what will be the converting part or “CTA” of every piece of content. 

Optimization for ROI 

When a brand collaborates with you as an influencer, their main concern and overall goal are to get the best Return on their investment. 

Even with the inevitable margin of error that occurs in every marketing campaign, it is the marketer’s responsibility to deliver a specific ROI. 

Scripting and content structuring 

Quality content goes viral for several reasons, and the most effective way to make every video, blog article, and post a hit, is by structuring your content. 

A good manager will script out trending topics and attention drawing ideas for you to review and execute on a real-time basis.

How To Get a Manager As An Influencer - Tips and Strategies


Influencer managers VS agents 

Influencer marketing managers are marketing professionals that have an overall extensive understanding of different marketing industries and how your continent can benefit these markets.

Starting, you do not need a talent agent, a creative influencer marketing manager, with a genuine concern about you and your overall long-term career is more beneficial. 

Influencer marketing agents often referred to as talent agencies, are the next step for you after your marketing manager. In other words, your marketing manager will facilitate you to deal with the next stage. 

When do you need a manager as an influencer?

In this video Catherin Manning, a Youtuber with around half a million followers shares with everyone what it’s like to start working with managers, and why you need one. 

There isn’t a right time to get managed if you can afford it. However, your green light should be whenever you can financially justify hiring a manager and not profiting for 2-3 months. 

Some influencers need managers faster than others, a business-oriented influencer, especially with some marketing knowledge, is more capable of making the right moves on their own. 

Even for them, the need to expand teams to optimize for efficiency is inevitable, and hiring an influencer manager is a rewarding addition to you or your team, 

Other less business-savvy influencers can still navigate their way to a rewarding career but are more prone to a slower, less rewarding growth process. Since a marketing manager is led by analytics and data, having a marketing manager is a goal-driven intensive shortcut to where you want to get.

Managers can spot opportunities, bring in new deals and collaborations, help you explore different niches, and ensure you meet your set objective by the end of each period. 

Tips and strategies to get an influencer manager 

Reach out and post on linked-in

The number one reason that gets you hired as an influencer or collaborative content creator is when a worker in the marketing or creative team follows you outside of work. While these decision makers may also be following on different platforms, every marketing-savvy person and marketer is on Linked-in. 

Shift your content from different online streaming platforms to linked-in and attract the attention of the right people, to take a few steps further in your career. 

Although not all content is Linked-in appropriate, use some of your best video pieces to speed up the process, and draw attention. 

Leverage public relations to gain professional exposure

Public relations is a shortcut for everything from getting verified to gaining more exposure for you and your personal brand. 

You can start by finding or creating a real story that is interesting enough for you to be featured in your free local press or authoritative blogs and newsletters, the one you’re reading right now.

Collaborate with small brands 

Collaborating with brands that have an average following of 20 – 100k can help you draw more attention from competitors and marketing agencies they collaborate with. 

Do for 2-5 businesses or brands within the niches you choose to specialize in, and it is almost certain that you will get new inquiries and deals.

Collaborate with sponsored & managed influencers

Like any other business-related matter, networking is the fastest route through. If You’re connected to any influencer with big deals or sponsorship, this is the time to ask for a collaborative skit or interview. 

While it may be slightly more difficult than getting a feature from someone who isn’t sponsored or managed, collaborating with professionals is your chance to get seen. 

Even if it means paying a little something in exchange, do not hesitate to get yourself out there and gain professional recognition. 

How To Get a Manager As An Influencer - Tips and Strategies


Hire a freelance manager to start 

Finally, freelancers are an easy and far more affordable way for you to kickstart your professional career as an influencer.

Knowledgeable freelancers with extensive influencer marketing experience, are fast reliable go-to, but will not by any means serve you as a dedicated manager would. A manager’s success relies on how well his client performs and grows. 

When looking for the right freelancer it is important to hire one who is knowledgeable of your local or global market. You need a freelance influencer manager that plays the game every day, aware of all updates, trends, and opportunities.

A freelancer will only charge you a steady rate or a package-based fee, whereas managers often require 10%- 15% of revenue generated through their initiatives. Finding the right freelancer to work with can get you ahead of your game, and save you an overall cost of an expensive growth stage. 

There are many easy ways to speed up the process of getting a manager, and as an influencer, on the rise, you must work to perfect the professional image behind the different characters you play onset. 

As an influencer, attention is your currency at all times just like the popular old saying, no press is bad press. The perfect manager for your talent is out there, but it is best to let them find you instead of reaching out to hire the wrong person for your talent. 

While some influencers are going to accelerate at a faster pace than others due to their knowledge and experience, Every successful business or brand must expand as it grows. 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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