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Emma Chamberlain Podcast - A Comprehensive Guide


Emma Chamberlain Podcast – A Comprehensive Guide

About Emma Chamberlain

Emma Chamberlain’s podcast Anything Goes is one of the most popular podcasts amongst young people today. The podcast, which has been steadily popular since its creation in 2019, covers a range of topics, such as lifestyle, advice, relationships, mental health, and more. The official categories of the podcast are Comedy, Society & Culture and Personal Journals.

It is produced with the help of Ramble Official, in partnership with Cadence13, which hosts other Youtuber podcasts, such as Rhett and Link, Charli and Dixie D’amelio, and Pretty Basic, with hosts Alisha Marie and Remi Cruz.

Emma Chamberlain Podcast - A Comprehensive Guide

Due to Chamberlain’s popularity as an influencer, the podcast is clearly quite popular as well. Targeted towards young adults going through a similar transitional phase of teenager to adulthood, Anything Goes gives a relaxed vibe similar to the vibe of Chamberlain’s Youtube videos. 

Emma Chamberlain is a 21-year-old influencer from California. She began her Youtube career at just 16 years old, and has since created an empire, with The Atlanic even calling her, “the influencer of the world.” 

From starting a successful coffee company,  Chamberlain Coffee, to walking in multiple Fashion Weeks around the world, Chamberlain has done no short of show that influencing can truly change one’s life.

Chamberlain started the podcast, which was previously named Stupid Genius, as an outlet to express herself with less boundaries than a Youtube video holds. 

With Stupid Genius, the podcast format focused around a different scientific question that Chamberlain would answer each week. But with Anything Goes, she is free to let her imagination run and talk to her audience in a less structured way.

In the podcast description, Chamberlain claims the podcast is filmed fully from her bed. She rarely has any guests, and truly does give off the impression that you are sitting down listening to a friend ramble on about her day, or other random thoughts, not that you’re listening to an influencer’s podcast. 

As the title of the podcast states, anything really does go on this podcast. No topic is off limits. Sometimes this means there could be serious topics, such as how to deal with being cheated on in a relationship, whereas other times, Chamberlain focuses on lighter, goofier topics that show off her carefree personality. 

Emma Chamberlain Podcast - A Comprehensive Guide

In the episode “Nepotism”, Chamberlain takes a popular trending topic and gives her personal take on the matter. As an influencer in these spaces, it is important that Chamberlain connects with her audience and reminds them that she is one of them, that she sees and hears these trends just as we do. When the majority of your audience is young adults who follow these pop culture moments closely, it’s important for Chamberlain to remain in touch with that side of her audience.

In another episode titled “stuff I’ve been loving”, Chamberlain takes a step back from more intense topics such as morality and relationships to focus on a more simple approach. With this episode, she allows herself to speak on topics like her favorite foods, products, and apps. 

None of the items in this podcast episode are sponsored (except for the advertisement in the middle of the podcast) which allows her viewers to fully trust her on these opinions. While having sponsorships is not a bad thing, taking a step back and allowing yourself to give unfiltered recommendations without an advertisement behind it allows your followers to learn to trust your opinion and know you aren’t simply being paid. 

Emma Chamberlain has 11.5 million subscribers on Instagram, 16 million followers on Instagram and at this point in time, does not have a TikTok account. Even the podcast instagram is verified and has over 290 thousand followers.

At this moment, Chamberlain does not upload her podcast to Youtube. Unlike other popular podcasts these days that have full visual sets, Chamberlain does not post a visual version of her podcast. Instead, you can find her on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you download your podcasts. Again, this is to give off the illusion of comfort and casualness. Even if Chamberlain isn’t recording from her bed, you are at least given that illusion. 

As of January 2023, Anything Goes was ranked as #1 in the United States of America: Society and Culture podcasts on Spotify, and #1 in the United States of America : Personal Journals on Apple Podcasts.

Based on over 100 thousand ratings on Chartable, and the amount of high rankings Anything Goes receives, there is an estimated 1 million listens each time an episode goes out across Apple, Google, Youtube and Spotify podcast networks. 

One of the thousands of positive reviews states, “I’ve just start listening to your pod and it’s revolutionary in my eyes, everything single episode (which I’m starting in order btw) has at least two to three things I can relate too.” This is just one example of how impactful Chamberlain is, especially to young girls.

The format of Anything Goes changes from episode to episode, but there is usually a lack of structure. Again, this is to give off the impression that this is a casual listening experience, not a full blown production.

Emma Chamberlain Podcast - A Comprehensive Guide

Chamberlain will pick a topic and let her mind run with that, with usually two or three sponsored ad segments in the middle of the show, which are all about an hour long and are posted once a week. Most recently, these ad segments have been InstaCart and Better Help.

One of the special parts about Chamberlain’s podcast is the lack of guests on the show. Every once in a while a new character will show up, but for the past year, there have been no guests or co-hosts. This allows the viewer to, again, feel more connected with her, as it feels as though it is just the two of you. There is less of a “production” feel, and you can oftentimes forget you’re listening to a podcast, rather than just a friend venting.

Clearly, Emma Chamberlain is the influencer of the world. Her consistent views and creation of trends, even without posting frequently on Youtube anymore, along with the million of five-star reviews on the podcast, show that she truly has a connection with her audience unlike anything else. 

And as she continues to take over other industries, such as when she was interviewing guests at the Met Gala last year, we can only hope she takes us along for the ride.

You can learn more about Chamberlain’s opinions on the world by listening on all podcast platforms.

Click here below to listen.

Apple Podcasts


Google Podcasts 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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