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Study Observing U.S. Digital Media Consumer Behavior Shows Emerging Segment Of Creator Economy


Study Observing U.S. Digital Media Consumer Behavior Shows Emerging Segment Of Creator Economy  

A new study from Edison Research provides insights into how Americans consume digital media and utilize technologies like smartphones, smart speakers, online audio, podcasts, audiobooks, and social media platforms. The research findings, outlined in “The Infinite Dial 2024” report, depict the latest digital media usage trends across the U.S. population aged 12 and older.

The study reveals a near-universal adoption of devices like smartphones, smart TVs, and smart speakers among American consumers. An estimated 93% of the U.S. population aged 12 and up – equating to 267 million people – own at least one of these smart device types. Smartphone ownership leads the way at 97% or 258 million people.

Study Observing U.S. Digital Media Consumer Behavior Shows Emerging Segment Of Creator Economy  

Smart speaker adoption has reached 37% of Americans aged 12 and older, representing 98 million owners. Within this group, the majority (57%) have just one smart speaker in their household, while 27% have two, and 16% have three or more. When it comes to audio consumption through smart speakers, AM/FM radio maintains a larger reach at 75% compared to 65% for smart speakers.

The podcasting arena sees continued growth in 2024, with 79% of Americans aged 12 and up now familiar with the medium. Over half (54%) have listened to a podcast at least once, while the monthly podcast listening rate has climbed to 38% or 101 million people. Weekly, 34% or 90 million U.S. consumers are tuning into podcasts. 

Among this weekly listener base, the average number of podcast episodes consumed per week is 8.3, with female weekly listeners (9.5) outpacing their male counterparts (7.2).

Study Observing U.S. Digital Media Consumer Behavior Shows Emerging Segment Of Creator Economy  

Online audio streaming has also hit new heights, with 73% of the 12+ population, or 194 million Americans, listening to online audio sources monthly. The weekly online audio streaming rate is 62%. 

Study Observing U.S. Digital Media Consumer Behavior Shows Emerging Segment Of Creator Economy  

When it comes to brand awareness in this space, Spotify leads at 68% followed by Pandora at 63%. The former is also the online audio brand used most often by 27% of online audio consumers. Audiobook listening over the past year encompassed 41% or 109 million Americans aged 12 and up.

Turning to social media, the study finds near-universal usage among U.S. consumers, with 88% or 235 million of the 12+ population currently using social media platforms. Facebook exhibits the highest current usage rate at 61%, while awareness of the Twitter/X brand stands at 67%. However, Twitter/X’s current usage level is lower at 25% of Americans aged 12 and older. 

Study Observing U.S. Digital Media Consumer Behavior Shows Emerging Segment Of Creator Economy  

Among social media users, Facebook is the brand used most often at 35%, followed by Instagram at 21%.

Edison Research conducted the “Infinite Dial 2024” study in January/February 2024 through a national random digit dial data collection methodology of 1,500 respondents aged 12 and older across the United States.

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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