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From Theater To TikTok How Content Creation Became Tyler Ellis’ Creative Outlet


From Theater To TikTok: How Content Creation Became Tyler Ellis’ Creative Outlet

In a world shaken by the pandemic, many of us had to reinvent ourselves and find new ways to channel our creative energies. Tyler Ellis, a theater enthusiast turned content creator, shares his journey from the stage to the world of TikTok in a candid interview.

In a world shaken by the pandemic, many of us had to reinvent ourselves and find new ways to channel our creative energies. Tyler Ellis, a theater enthusiast turned content creator, shares his journey from the stage to the world of TikTok in a candid interview.

Tyler’s story is like that of many others who downloaded TikTok during lockdown as a playful experiment, only to be pleasantly surprised by the platform’s appeal. Initially, he made videos just to entertain his friends, not realizing that he was about to embark on a creative adventure that would captivate thousands.

From Theater To TikTok: How Content Creation Became Tyler Ellis’ Creative Outlet

From Theater To TikTok: How Content Creation Became Tyler Ellis’ Creative Outlet

photo source: Instagram

“I downloaded TikTok as a joke,” Tyler admits with a laugh, echoing the sentiments of countless content creators who initially dismissed the app as being for younger audiences. However, TikTok’s algorithm worked its magic, and Tyler soon found himself addicted to the platform’s entertainment value.

The turning point in Tyler’s content creation journey came when one of his videos unexpectedly went viral. It was a simple and humorous response to a comment about his hair parting. The video struck a chord with viewers, and Tyler woke up to a surge in popularity. The thrill of going viral and the positive response from his audience ignited his passion for content creation.

“I realized that I wasn’t the only person in the world missing live performance and the theater experience,” Tyler explains. “People were thanking me for making them laugh in such a hard time.” This feedback became his North Star, guiding him to continue creating content that catered to the theater-loving audience he knew so well.

Tyler Ellis’ content creation journey serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of individuals during trying times. He transformed a personal creative outlet into a source of joy for others who shared his passion for theater. In a world where digital connections have become more crucial than ever, Tyler’s TikTok presence exemplifies the power of content to bring people together, one laugh at a time.

From TikTok Stardom to A-List Representation

Monetizing his passion for content creation didn’t happen overnight for Tyler. It took months of experimenting and being part of TikTok’s creator fund to see some financial return. He chuckles as he recalls those early days, saying, “I was making a little bit of money, and it was cool to be paid for anything creative at that point in my life.”

However, the game-changer came when Snapchat reached out to Tyler. Unbeknownst to many, Snapchat was developing a platform called Snapchat Spotlight, akin to TikTok’s “For You Page.” They admired Tyler’s content and invited him to create for their platform. This opportunity presented a unique payment structure and a fresh canvas for Tyler to experiment with.

Snapchat Spotlight marked the turning point in Tyler’s journey. As he increased the number of videos he created, he began to realize that content creation could become more than just a side gig. “Snapchat Spotlight was the reason I was finally able to quit my day job,” Tyler says with a hint of amazement in his voice.

Tyler’s success story illustrates how platforms like Snapchat have become significant players in supporting content creators. While TikTok and Instagram often steal the limelight, Snapchat quietly backed creators during challenging times. Tyler acknowledges this, saying, “I owe a lot to Snapchat because it was the dark horse in the race.”

Promising Collaboration with A3

Fast forward to today, Tyler Ellis is now part of A3, a prestigious talent agency. The excitement in his voice is palpable as he describes how he’s long admired the agency and dreamed of collaborating with them.

From Theater To TikTok: How Content Creation Became Tyler Ellis’ Creative Outlet

photo source: Instagram

A3 has exceeded Tyler’s expectations. The team understands his content on a personal level, not just a business one. They share his sense of humor, and this connection makes for a strong working relationship. “They’re the ones that give me dreams that I’m like, wait, that would be incredible,” Tyler explains. 

The agency has provided him with a fresh perspective on his career trajectory. With A3 by his side, Tyler is poised for even greater heights in the world of content creation and beyond.

Navigating Burnout and Brand Partnerships

One of the most significant challenges Tyler encountered during his influencer journey was burnout. Unlike traditional careers, where you can leave work at the office, the influencer world demands constant attention. 

Tyler Ellis humorously compares it to having a fishbowl of followers, fearing that neglecting them for even a few days could spell disaster. He shares how managing the pressure of consistency and learning not to tie his self-worth to post-frequency has been a valuable lesson.

Diversifying Income Streams

Tyler’s journey extends beyond traditional influencer work. His involvement with Theatrely, this experience brought him into the world of theater journalism. This unexpected opportunity allowed him to cover red carpets, interview Broadway stars, and create video content. 


#JimmysFirst The wonderful @Tyler Joseph Ellis chatted with a few nominees from the @Jimmy Awards before the big show tonight. Tune in to watch live at 7:30pm on YouTube and Facebook! #jimmyawards #broadway #theatrekid #fyp #theatre #tylerjosephellis

♬ original sound – Theatrely

Tyler emphasizes that such diversification can be a game-changer, providing both creative satisfaction and additional income. He also mentions the perks of leveraging his following to access free theater tickets, saving him significant money.

Managing Criticism and Negative Feedback

Criticism and negative feedback are almost inevitable in the influencer world. Tyler’s strategy for handling this is both strategic and personal. He avoids displaying too much of his authentic self, primarily playing characters or exaggerated versions of himself. This approach allows him to protect his emotional well-being and shield himself from personal attacks.

Strategic Vulnerability

Tyler Ellis also acknowledges that influencers who choose to be more open and vulnerable provide an invaluable service to their audience. However, he offers a different path for those who may be sensitive to criticism. He suggests that influencers can successfully navigate the industry by strategically sharing only what they are comfortable with without exposing themselves to negativity.

Never Underestimate the Power of Being Nice

In an industry where competition is fierce, kindness is an undervalued asset. Tyler highlights that being a pleasant person to work with and treating others well can set you apart. It can lead to connections and opportunities that may not be accessible otherwise. The way you make people feel can leave a lasting impression, so choose to be kind.

From Theater To TikTok: How Content Creation Became Tyler Ellis’ Creative Outlet

photo source:

Tyler Ellis’ advice is a valuable guide for aspiring and established influencers. Staying true to oneself, maintaining consistency, finding enjoyment in the journey, and practicing kindness are all essential ingredients for achieving success in the dynamic influencer economy.

The Future of Influencer Marketing: Unveiling the Power of Word-of-Mouth

Traditional forms of advertising, such as television and film ads, are losing their luster. Instead, influencer marketing is on the rise, and Tyler has a front-row seat to the action. He emphasizes, “Film television ads are becoming less and less relevant, and influencer ads are becoming more and more prevalent.” It’s a trend that shows no signs of slowing down.

In the age of influencers, word-of-mouth marketing is making a triumphant return. Tyler highlights the value of influencers as he explains, “People rely on word of mouth and following. If you have trust in a creator, you like the creator’s taste. That goes a long way.” Trust is the name of the game, and influencers hold the key to reaching audiences through authentic recommendations.

The Power of Gratitude

Throughout the interview, one theme stands out — gratitude. Tyler emphasizes the importance of gratitude in this ever-changing industry. As he highlighted, gratitude not only keeps creators grounded but also attracts more positivity and opportunities.

Nevertheless, the future of influencer marketing is a captivating journey into the power of word-of-mouth. Influencers hold the key to authentic connections with audiences as they continue to grow and shape the advertising landscape. With the right regulations and a sense of gratitude, this industry is poised for an exciting future where creativity knows no bounds.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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