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14 Top Climate-Conscious Influencers To Help You Live More Sustainably


14 Top Must-Follow Climate-Conscious Influencers

Climate change is one of the biggest problems the world is facing right now. Follow these top eco-conscious influencers to learn how you can impact the world by living a little bit more sustainably.

Animals are going extinct, Antarctic ice shelves are melting, and wildfires are raging everywhere. The culprit for all of this? Climate change. We are soon reaching the point of no return. If we don’t take action now, it will be too late. 

14 Top Climate-Conscious Influencers To Help You Live More Sustainably


If each one of us started living a little more sustainably, it would all add up and have a large positive impact on the Earth. These climate-conscious influencers are already doing it. Let’s learn to live a greener life from them!

Top Climate-Conscious Influencers To Follow

Immy Lucas (@sustainably_vegan) 

Followers: 126k

Immy Lucas is all about that low-impact lifestyle. Apart from being vegan, she tries to live sustainably in all areas of her life. On her Instagram page, she shares tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint by making small changes in your life – such as thrifting clothes and reusing them in different combinations or cooking from scratch and reducing food waste.

She also gives eco-product recommendations and bursts some common myths about sustainable living. It is her belief that you don’t have to be perfectly sustainable. You just have to try to live a greener life.

Tolmeia Gregory (@tolmeia)

Followers: 17.8k

Tolmeia is an aspiring fashion designer turned climate justice activist and an illustrator. She uses her page (and her art) to educate people about the climate crisis. Along with that, you also get tips on how you can make a difference in the fight for climate change. She also posts stories about her protesting at rallies and fighting on the forefront. 

She also hosts a podcast called “Idealistically.” Here, she asks people what they would want in a world that is not being destroyed. Her mission is to inspire people to dream and fight for such a world. 

Bea Johnson (@zerowastehome)

Followers: 258k

Bea lives in a 188 square foot home-on-wheels and has been trash free since 2008. She is the embodiment of tiny living. She teaches you how you can make do with what you have and live a zero waste lifestyle – even if you are a nomad. Not sure where to buy unpackaged food? She gives a lot of recommendations for that, too.

She is also a speaker and the author of “Zero Waste Home.” Follow her for some amazing – and sometimes unconventional – zero waste hacks. 

James Whitlow Delano (@jameswhitlowdelano)

Followers: 61k

James is a photographer who tells stories about climate change and environmental projects through his wonderful photos. He also conducts something called the “Everyday Climate Change Interviews.”

One of his most recent projects is an exhibition called “A Planet Drowning in Plastic,” where he showcases the extent of plastic pollution in the world and how it affects certain sections of the population. Follow him to learn more about climate change visually.


Natalie Kay (@sustainablychic)

Followers: 85.3k

The fashion industry is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. But Natalie believes that fashion can exist responsibly. Her aim is to help you build a sustainable wardrobe that will help you stay chic without negatively impacting the planet

On her page, you get to learn facts about climate change, tips on how to maintain an ethical wardrobe, and even information about how to identify genuinely sustainable brands. You can also shop for products from her list of sustainable brands

Lizzie Carr (@lizzie_outside)

Followers: 40.8k

Lizzie is a campaigner and the founder of @oneplanetpatrol, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to reducing litter. Lizzie’s focus is especially on reducing plastic pollution and eliminating the use of single-use plastic

She talks about current events that are the direct consequence of climate change and also runs a monthly newsletter called “Climate Warriors.” Her page will inspire you to start making a change NOW.

Neel (@flunkingmonkey)

Followers: 135k

Neel is a biologist, an environmental consultant, and a green travel adventurer. He believes that travel can be sustainable. Through his photos, you get to learn about how climate change is affecting animals, birds, and aquatic life. He also partners with (and promotes) ethical brands that  are committed to conserving the environment. 

Lauren Singer (@trashisfortossers)

Followers: 358k

Lauren has been living a zero waste lifestyle since 2012. She is also the founder of @packagefreeshop which provides sustainable alternatives to the products that you use every day. 

On her page, she gives tips for living a low waste life. How to reduce waste while doing laundry, ordering takeout, or living with a pet? You will find answers to all of these questions on her page. She also supports businesses that are sustainable! 

Leah Thomas (@greengirlleah)

Followers: 237k

Leah focuses on racial justice within the fight for environmental justice. Environmental issues affect BIPOC people disproportionately, causing a lot of eco-grief. Leah wants to bring awareness about this. 

She also spearheaded the UK’s first Black Ecofeminist Summit and is the author of “The Intersectional Environmentalist.” She is truly an inspiration.

Kathryn Kellogg (

Followers: 409k

Kathryn lives a zero-waste lifestyle – a journey she embarked on after facing several hormonal imbalance struggles. After this, she began eliminating toxic chemicals and plastics from her life and embraced a sustainable lifestyle. 

On her page she posts several tips on how to go zero waste – including making food out of scraps/ leftovers, DIY tips, green cleaning, and things she doesn’t buy anymore. She also posts weekly “good news Friday” videos where she shares good climate news!

Isaias Hernandez (@queerbrownvegan)

Followers: 108k

Isaias is an environmental educator who makes engaging videos on several topics related to climate change. Some of them include how climate change affects migrants, what greenwashing is, how to build ecological wealth, which industries are fueling the crisis, and even how to love yourself sustainably! 

He is also a vegan who also talks about vegan alternatives and vegan recipes. You will get to learn about how practically everything is affected by this global crisis. 

Ayo Business Finder (@ayobusinessfinder)

Followers: 1.9k

This page was created by a Black woman to help you find BIPOC-owned sustainable businesses. The money you spend buying products goes on to fund other things. This means that your buying power dictates the world you live in. If you want a more sustainable world, you need to start supporting sustainable businesses, which is the tenet this page is based on. 

This page is everything you need to start finding and buying from ethical businesses. 

Jonathan Levy (@zerowasteguy)

Followers: 25.2k

Jonathan is a zero-waste consultant and a supply chain expert. Not only does he help businesses reduce their waste and optimize their hauling services, he also helps waste haulers comply with regulations. 

Have you ever wondered just how much energy and resources are needed to manufacture a single glass bottle? Jonathan will tell you exactly how the entire process works. If you want to know how you can reduce waste in your home and what things you should avoid buying, follow him!

Earthrise Studio (

Followers: 246k

Earthrise is a multimedia storytelling studio for climate. They use their platform to tell stories about climate change – both the good and the bad – and bring your attention to various environmental campaigns happening around the world. I love how they use various types of content to bring the message across. 

Follow these eco-conscious influencers and start making a difference today. Every little action of ours has an impact. 

14 Top Climate-Conscious Influencers To Help You Live More Sustainably


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karina gandola

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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14 Climate-Conscious Influencers To Help Us Live Sustainably