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How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest


How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest

Pinterest appeals to a wide variety of users, allowing them to share inspiration with others around the world. In fact, 80% of users believe that the platform makes them feel more positive. As Pinterest continues to attract more influencers, many are looking to gain more traction on their boards. Netinfluencer uncovers the top ways to boost your engagement on Pinterest. 

Why is engagement important on Pinterest?

Although many Pinners see the platform as quite laid back, engagement is a key element of its success. A higher engagement rate on Pinterest can help spread brand awareness across a diverse audience, helping businesses to delve into untapped markets. Plus, the nature of Pinterest means that you can share high-quality images and links to your products, making them easy to find for potential customers. 

Pinterest can also be used for affiliate marketing, especially when using influencers as part of your campaign. Influencers can share links to promoted products through their boards and earn a commission as a result. Thus, customers can purchase affiliated items without leaving the app.

How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest


How to measure engagement on Pinterest

By securing a Pinterest Business Account, monetized users can view their analytics and metrics. This provides an in-depth of their performance on the platform, helping influencers better determine the next steps in their strategy. 

Pinterest considers a number of factors when discussing engagement. These are listed below.

  • Saved Pins
  • Clicks on Pins
  • Outbound Clicks
  • Pins Carousel card swipes
  • Secondary creative clicks
  • Idea Pins swipes

To discover your exact engagement rate on Pinterest you must use a simple formula.

(Total Engagement Factors/Number of Times Your Pins or Ads Were On-Screen) x 100

10 Ways To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest

  1. Use vertical images for mobile optimization

With 85% of Pinterest’s organic traffic coming from their mobile app, it is important that influencers create content that suits this type of user. By using vertical images, such as portraits, mobile users will be able to see these posts more clearly. This is because vertical images are better suited to smartphone screens and ensure that the quality of the image is maintained. Thus, users are more likely to interact and engage with the post. 

How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest


  1. Schedule posts in advance

Just like other social media platforms, consistency is key on Pinterest. By scheduling posts to appear at set times, influencers are better able to adhere to a content calendar. Tools such as Tailwind can help you automate your schedule and ensure that you are posting content at the most effective time each day. As a result, you can maintain a high engagement rate without spending too much time on one platform. 

  1. Track the analytics of your Pinterest ads

Your personal Pinterest Analytics dashboard provides a plethora of insights into your monetized content. Through this data, you can see how your ads are performing across a wide range of audiences. The dashboard also highlights your predicted earnings across the month.  Influencers can use this data to create more profitable ads and can even show it to potential brand partners as a way of showing their success. 

  1. Add CTAs in your captions

CTAs are a great way to boost engagement with your followers as it encourages them to take your content one step further. This could be downloading an ebook, following you on another platform, or clicking a link. By using CTAs in your captions, your audience is more likely to interact with your content, which can positively affect your engagement factors. 

How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest


  1. Write engaging descriptions

Although it may seem obvious, an interesting description can easily persuade a follower to share and Pin your content. Descriptions also explain what you are trying to express through your board, which can help you find further success in a saturated niche. Pinterest has a limit of 500 characters per description, giving you enough space to fully explore the main elements of your board. 

  1. Create boards for various niches

As an influencer, it can be tempting to remain entirely within your own industry. Pinterest allows influencers to branch out of their current content and begin working in a new niche. Creating a board for a new niche can help you unlock a new audience and see engagement in new demographics. In turn, Pinterest offers influencers the potential to experiment with unique content that is outside their conventional audience, which can lead to profitable opportunities with different brands. 

How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest


  1. Share other users’ content

Sharing content on Pinterest can lead to engagement in a range of different ways. If you share content from another user’s board, the platform’s algorithm is more likely to show your content to others. This is because Pinterest collects similar boards and showcases them to other users operating in that niche. Thus, by simply sharing another person’s post, you are more likely to see an increase in your impressions. 

  1. Implement cover images for your brand

Cover images help to give your boards a sense of character and help better define the context of each one. If you are using Pinterest to promote your brand, try making a cover image that displays your logo and other sources of branding. You can even use your specific brand colors to help build cohesion. It should be noted that cover images must be 800 x 450 pixels and have an aspect ratio of 16:9 in order to fit on your board.

  1. Create group boards to build a community

A group board allows multiple creators to contribute to one piece, attracting new ideas for your content. This is a great feature if you are looking to build an effective marketing strategy for your brand. You can even invite your followers to your group board, which can lead to a more engaged level of conversation. These followers can feel more included in your work and are more inclined to show interest in your other content.

How To Boost Your Engagement on Pinterest


  1. Spread your content across other platforms

Pinterest also offers a Pin It button which is a widget that allows users to pin your content to their own board. This can be implemented on your social media platforms as well as your personal website. The Pin It button can also provide backlinks to your content which can help your platforms receive a higher ranking on Google. 

Pinterest offers a plethora of features that allows influencers to gain more engagement and traction to their content. This platform can also provide profitable opportunities for influencers and help leading companies secure a better brand image. To learn more about earning money on social media, visit our website

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Melody Day is a UK-based copywriter, working in developing industries such as travel, beauty, and lifestyle. She creates digestible copy that is fully optimized for SEO and gains positive engagement from readers. They are able to create engaging blogs and website copy for a range of unique brands.

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