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Bulwark Podcast A Look At One Of The Most Popular Political Podcasts On The Internet


Bulwark podcast: A Look At One Of The Most Popular Political Podcasts On The Internet

Bulwark podcast: A Look At One Of The Most Popular Political Podcasts On The Internet

Upbeat, political, and brutally honest, The Bulwark podcast is your semi-biased insight into American politics without the mainstream media’s neutral take on things. 

In this podcast, Charlie Skyes gives his conservative party-influenced opinion on everything happening in the United States of America. 

Charlie comes from a media background therefore podcasting and media aren’t anything new to him. Before launching the bulwark show Charlie was a commentator for the famous American “Right Wisconsin” political TV show.

The opinionated host is usually joined by his co-host Bill Kristol, another neoconservative political commentator with the same views and sentiments. 

While Charlie is the main man in the picture, the founder of the podcast and overall Bulwark news website is Sarah Longwell, a political strategist, and founder of the movement, Republicans Against Trump. 

Launched in 2018 The Bulwark was originally launched to be a worldwide news channel, but quickly became an opinion-based beloved republican podcast. 

The podcast itself is an extension of the Bulwark website and blog that covers similar stories on a larger scale, both feeding off each other and driving traffic and engagement.

Themes and Topics covered 

Just as you’d expect from the intro above, this podcast is heavily focused on systematical American issues, and there are lots of them!

Aside from the general republican take on today’s occurrences, The Bulwark Podcast includes lots of anti-trump content and general analyses of where he can improve. 

Something you wouldn’t really expect from a conservative podcast, or people from that specific party, but apparently that’s their most viewed topic. 

All that aside some of the topics covered, even encompass a worldwide span such as the war in Ukraine, white-house political insights, and more. 

While topics are highly similar and relative to one another here are a few of the podcast’s most viewed episodes. 

General Mark Hertling: Why the Russians Will Lose

In this episode Mark Hertling a former American army Officer discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian military and their commanding political system. 

While the matter may be complex for the average citizen, the ex-military officer breaks things down to be comprehensible with excellent examples to support his opinion. 

Great insights on what Ukraine and President Zelensky are doing to defend Kiyv and their overall country, with discussions that go as deep as how different missile systems operate. 

According to Mark Hertling, the overall solution is for the Ukrainian military to continue to defend as they currently are until the other parties get too tired and wear off. 

Although military tactics and strategies are nothing of our specialty or understanding when following along with Ex-officer Mark we were able to see things from an experienced perspective. 

Way more than just this is discussed in the episode, making the perfect one for people who enjoy and understand strategy and sciences of manipulation and war. 

Maggie Haberman: A Character Study of Trump — and America

The author of the popular book “Confidence Man – The making of Donald Trump and the breaking of America”, narrates and breaks down the complex character of Donald Trump, the model American businessman. 

While this book is nothing but Maggie’s personal opinion and take on things, Maggie’s proximity with Donald over the years makes her the best eligible person to write about these topics. 

Despite Maggie being one of Donald’s close previous associates, her theory on what made the ex-president what he is today are bold and daring. 

Everything from his early childhood years to the competition inside the Trump family is discussed in this episode. 

It’s an interesting and amusing discussion to hear the Donald Trump story from a different unbiased perspective.

A perfect episode for those interested in psychology and the science and formation of different narcissistic characters. 

David Frum: House Republicans Aim for a Rerun

An insider take on the house of republicans and how they all came to acknowledge that Donald Trump no longer serves their needs. 

In an uncensored interview, Charlie and the guests discuss why the ex-persident no longer serves public purpose covering everything from his offensive takes on homosexuality, to comparing modern leaders to Gorge W. Bush. 

Although we thought this may be a broader discussion than what it is, the channel seems to gain most of its traction through disagreeing with Donald J. Trump and what he stands for. 

Aside from objecting to what the modern republican party brings to America, guests also discuss the marketing behind it and the uniting of all republican segments. 

Marketing is a huge factor in how the 2016 election played out, and it is one of the popular presidents’ key strengths. 

Although these episodes are not for everyone, this podcast is beneficial for both republicans and people who wish to understand things from a republican’s point of view. 

Reach of the Bulwark Podcast 

The Bulwark Podcast has 22.4k followers on Youtube, 4595 followers on Instagram, and 112k followers on Twitter, the main source of traffic for the pod. 

On youtube, where view statistics are readily available it appears that the average podcast receives between 4,000 views and 7,000 views per episode.

Although the podcast is increasingly gaining popularity on different platforms thanks to their controversial opinions on different social platforms they still haven’t managed to meet Apple’s top 200 list of podcasts.  

Based on this analysis we estimated that the Bulwark Podcast receives an average of 15k – 25k  listens each time an episode goes out across Apple, Google, Youtube, and Spotify podcast networks.

The format of the podcast 

The Bulwark podcast is a guest-centric podcast, meaning that the structure of every episode differs from one another based on who’s being interviewed.

While every podcast starts with an introduction to the guests, this podcast jumps straight into controversy and the events to be discussed in each episode. 

The focus of the podcast is providing informative opinionated insights but lacks the graphic element of things, with some episodes being simply nothing but a voice recording. 

Overall the podcast is targeted toward mid-age conservative-party-leaning individuals, who seek to better and promote their political party. 

Aside from the organic reach of the podcast for people that are already knowledgeable about what’s being discussed, the podcast gains lots of traction from social media. 

With a large following of over 100,000 followers on Twitter, the supporting community is one of the main growth tools for the podcast. 

The target market is very niche and specific to one political party, and the community is extremely loyal and interactive. 

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, or you’d like to view things from another perspective than what mainstream media promotes, The Bulwark podcast is one of the best places to start. 

For any open-minded individual, but certainly not for Trump supporters, check out the Bulwark for informative political insights, and a different take on the usual republican politics. 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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