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Best Content Creation Podcasts of 2022


The Best Content Creation Podcasts of 2022

Now that the year is nearly over, what were the most useful content creation podcasts of 2022?

Podcasts are some of the best ways to get insider tips and tricks. But with so many out there, it may feel impossible to know which ones to spend time listening to.

We have compiled the best ones here for you today.

Niche Pursuits

The Best Content Creation Podcasts of 2022

Niche Pursuits is a blog and podcast platform created by Spencer Hawes, an entropeaneur who is the founder of Motion Invest, Link Whisper, and Table Labs. Niche Pursuits aims at – you guessed it – niche and unique business ideas. Created in 2011, Hawes has gone on to expand his blog from a small side project to one of his main sources of income.

Jared Bauman hosts the podcast and is Co Founder and CEO of 201 Creative, LLC, an SEO and digital marketing agency.

The podcast, which you can listen to directly on, or on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, follows Bauman as he interviews a fellow pursiter of a niche online business. These creators truly go to show that no idea is a bad idea, and you can start making money from these business ideas almost immediately if you apply the right tips and tricks. 

From Anne Moss describing how her 25+ websites earn her an average income of $200,000 USD a year, to Carrie Forest building a food blog that now earns her over $20,000 USD a month, there are hundreds of valuable industry secrets you can learn from this podcast.

Niche Pursits uploads weekly with a corresponding blog post that gives listeners the rundown on what goes on in the hour long podcast. It currently has over 20,000 weekly downloads and has accrued over one and a half million all-time downloads. 

If you’re in the beginning stages of starting your influencing career, or just looking for more voices in the community to reach out to, Niche Pursits would be a great start.

The Heart and Hustlers Podcast

The Best Content Creation Podcasts of 2022

Created by two wedding photographers-turned-entropaneuers, Evie Rupp and Lindsey Roman are the founders of The Heart University, a set of online courses aimed at creative influencers and content creators who are trying for their big break in the influencer market. 

Designed after actual university classes, students can choose between ‘majors’ such as posing, Instagram, and camera basics. 

The Best Content Creation Podcasts of 2022

The prices vary, so be sure to check out what course would be best for you as you navigate which tips you think will help you succeed.

If paying for the courses isn’t up your ally, you can tune into their free podcast, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. With over 300 episodes and posted twice a week, Rupp and Roman are experts at relating to their audience of wildly young females who are trying to break into the influencer business. While the main focus of episodes tend to be on content creation, they are not afraid to take a step back and create more personal and vulnerable episodes, such as episode 305: Navigating the Singleness Season with Kristen Clark.

Even as they teach us how to be content creators ourselves, they are still not forgetting to use their own tips and tricks, such as remembering to relate to your audience. 

The Heart and The Hustle, as the name suggests, is the perfect blend of tough love to future content creators as the hosts give advice to future young women breaking onto this scene, which isn’t always easy.

The Do You Even Blog Podcast

Do You Even Blog, a website created by Pete McPherson, is your all-in-one guide to help you start, grow, or maintain your online business. 

McPherson does not shy away from his, “nerdy” traits, and instead embraces them to create a unique, approachable website. He has interviewed the creator of WordPress, billionaire Matt Mullenweg, as well as been featured on Forbes and Buisness Insider.

The podcast, which saw a lot of traction over the summer but has since been on the backburner, includes great insights to the world of online marketing through the perspective of someone who has not only tried and succeeded, but tried and failed as well. 

McPherson recounts in his website how he had over 50 failed online projects before making his big break with Do You Even Blog, which is a tough thing to admit to your audience of influencers. But his determination shows with enough passion and resources, anyone can make their dream online business come true.

One of McPherson’s latest podcasts features Melody from Cash For Tacos and more recently, The Winding Road Tripper.. Melody discusses how her travel blog she runs with her husband has been competing with large travel sites and how the increase in traffic has positively affected her brand. 

Travel bloggers might ask themselves how to compete with mega sites such as Yelp or Trip Advisor, but the truth is, consumers will often choose the smaller, more relatable sites to these larger brands. McPherson asked if it is worth it to go for a niche such as midwestern travel guides, and for Melody, the proof is in the pudding – it is! 

Become a Writer Today Podcast

The Best Content Creation Podcasts of 2022

Sometimes the hardest thing about content creating is what can feel the most basic – the writing. Writing is an unsung hero in content creating, and actually what might set your content a part from the others. It may seem simple, but writing is a craft that has to be practiced and learned just as much as any other skill.

With Become a Writer Today, Bryan Collins, a New York Times best selling author, teaches you from the basics how to write specifically for online content creating. In the podcast, Collins deconstructs other New York Times best selling authors in order to show expert  craft techniques, and interviews the writers for even more insight.

In his latest episode posted on December 19th, 2022,  Collins interviewed Jessie Kwak to talk about the art of ghostwriting (how do you mimic the tone of someone?) and how to balance creative writing with business. In another episode with guest s Kevin Indig, Collins discusses SEO writing and how it differs from the normal creative writing process we may have learned in school.

Collins’s website also offers writing tips, prompts, and online master courses that he has professionally reviewed. His work has appeared in the likes of Forbes andThe Huffington Post, and to date currently has over 4 million readers.

Whether you want to learn how to add personality to your content or you are struggling with the basics of content creation, these four podcasts have stellar reviews, intelligent hosts, and the traffic to prove that they know what they’re talking about. Let us know what your favorite content creation podcast was this year, and who you’re looking forward to listening to in 2023!

karina gandola

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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