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What Does “Post To View” Mean On TikTok


What Does “Post To View” Mean On TikTok?

The Meaning and Usage of ‘Post to View’

When a user attempts to view an out-of-focus image or video on the TikTok app, a notice labeled “Post to View” flashes on their screen, indicating that the user must first upload their image or short video in order to view the content.

They can see the blurred content once they have posted their own.

Use the ‘Post to View’ option in captions and chats to encourage people to share their material. 

For instance, a user could write, “Post your selfie to find out what’s behind the blur! #PostToView #TikTokChallenge” in the description. 

Users are encouraged to interact with the material and share their images or videos to access the (secret) content.

The ‘Post to View’ option resembles other words or features on social media websites. 

On Instagram, for instance, users use the phrase “Follow to View” to attract others to follow their profile and receive access to private content. 

The ‘Post to View’ attribute on TikTok, on the other hand, is unique to the app and adds a gamification factor to the service, encouraging users to interact with each other and produce new content.

The Origin of ‘Post to View’

As a part of “TikTok’s Now”, the “Post to View” tool enables users to share stock photos and videos with friends in order to enjoy in-app experiences.

The “Post to View” function was added to TikTok in the November 14 update 2022.  

The feature is similar to the functions of the well-known photo-sharing software BeReal, which has led some users to accuse TikTok of stealing and imposing functions from other apps.

Producers and influencers initially used “Publish to View” primarily to entice viewers to share their original material to obtain exclusive or hidden content.

However, as users have adopted ‘Post to View’ across the site to encourage interaction and build a sense of community around their work, the feature has grown in popularity over time.

As the feature gained popularity, users began to use it creatively, incorporating it into challenges, contests, and allusions to upcoming material. 

In addition, individuals have found ways to make money from “Post to View” by using it for advertising or special offers.

The function is mainly used by younger audiences who are more aware of social media fads and features.

While it’s conceivable that ‘Post to View’ and other new TikTok features will be extended to other social networking platforms as they become more popular.

How to Use ‘Post to View’ in Content Creation

TikTok’s “Post to View” option can be a powerful tool for video creators aiming to boost audience engagement. 

Creators can encourage more interaction and produce more user-generated content by getting users to add their content to gain access to hidden content.

Organizing challenges or competitions is among the most common ways creators use “Post to View.”

For instance, a beauty influencer can set up a challenge requiring participants to provide a video of themselves sporting specific cosmetics look to gain access to a tutorial. 

Users are encouraged to interact with the content, produce original content, and follow the influencer to access more exclusive content.

They can use ‘Post to View’ to successfully dock upcoming material.

For example, an artist could upload a blurry video of themselves in the studio while using the feature to invite users to share their versions.

Many famous creators, especially singers and artists, use this feature as a teaser trailer to gain insight into audiences’ expectations.

How to access the “Post to View” Feature?

Get started with your first TikTok Now “Post to View” feature by following these simple steps:

  • Launch the TikTok app and tap the lightning bolt icon that says “Now” to access your TikTok Now feed.
  • (If you’re outside the U.S., open the TikTok Now app instead.)
  • Find a blurry photo with a “Post to View” prompt and tap it to unlock your camera view.
  • Swipe across the blue circle at the bottom center of the app to take photos or record captivating 10-second videos.
  • When you’re happy with your content, tap the blue circle with the checkmark to share your post and unlock a trove of content from other users.


Using TikTok’s ‘Post to View’ feature when creating content is a fantastic way to increase engagement and produce user-generated content.

Creators can encourage greater interaction and build a closer bond with their audience by asking visitors to share their work to gain access to (secret) information.

They can also experiment with ‘Post to View’ to create challenges, competitions, and teasers for forthcoming content to improve their content. 

This will lead them to establish a more significant profile on TikTok and eventually get a wider audience 

Learn how to improve your content and engagement by using other features on social media platforms by accessing our guides here.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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