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[REPORT] The Tech Marketer’s Holy Grail How 49% Simplified Their Complex Products With Video (1)


[REPORT] The Tech Marketer’s Holy Grail: How 49% Simplified Their Complex Products With Video

Vidico’s “The State of Video Marketing 2024” report reveals insights from marketers who primarily lead product, content, and social media strategies at mid-sized tech companies generating between $1 million and $100 million in annual revenue.

Over 300 tech marketers were surveyed, and the research finds that they are increasingly turning to video to simplify their messaging and enhance brand awareness. While 39% of respondents use videos to improve brand awareness, 49% of marketers surveyed cite explaining products and services as the top marketing challenge solved with video.

[REPORT] The Tech Marketer’s Holy Grail: How 49% Simplified Their Complex Products With Video

“Video content allowed us to demystify our products and services, showcasing real-world applications and benefits in a digestible format that text alone could not achieve,” said Geet Govil, Inbound Marketing Project Manager, in the report.

As tech companies grapple with conveying complex technical solutions effectively, video is a powerful medium for engaging audiences and making innovations more accessible. The report notes that 26% of marketers integrate video into their growth strategies.

[REPORT] The Tech Marketer’s Holy Grail: How 49% Simplified Their Complex Products With Video

Vidico indicates a shift towards product overview videos regarding video types, highlighting a strategic move from focusing solely on brand awareness to providing clear product insights. While brand videos remain popular, cited by 65% of respondents, 63% plan to produce product overview videos in 2024, up from the previous year.

The analysis also provides insights into video distribution channels, with YouTube (45%), websites (38.3%), Facebook (35.6%), Instagram (34.6%), and TikTok (30.3%) emerging as the top platforms delivering the best video marketing results. However, some respondents remain unsure about their video marketing success, suggesting improved tracking and optimization strategies are needed.

Regarding video production strategies, Vidico’s analysts note that 47% of businesses collaborate with video production specialists to leverage their creative expertise. Additionally, 52% of tech companies allocate over $5,000 monthly to video production, while 27% maintain a budget between $1,000 and $5,000 monthly.

[REPORT] The Tech Marketer’s Holy Grail: How 49% Simplified Their Complex Products With Video

46% of respondents revealed that AI would completely change their video marketing strategy, including aspects like strategy, vendors, and creation rhythm. In terms of measuring video success, the report finds that 74% of marketers prioritize engagement metrics such as views, view rates, and average watch time. Additionally, 48% track lead generation and traffic metrics, reinforcing videos’ effectiveness in driving actionable outcomes like conversions and direct or branded search traffic.

“A major surprise in this year’s trends is ‘Websites’ making it to the top 3 runners. Websites or landing pages are highly effective, with 38.3% of marketers seeing great success. This shows how important it is to include video content on your most relevant pages as part of your marketing strategy,” Vidico states in the report.

[REPORT] The Tech Marketer’s Holy Grail: How 49% Simplified Their Complex Products With Video

The full report is available on Vidico’s website.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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