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Victor Davis Hanson Podcast


Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

The Victor Davis Hanson podcast is a political podcast that talks about cultural ideas, current news and social happenings.

The show is hosted by the very popular American historian, columnist, and podcaster Victor Davis Hanson.

Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

The podcast has a total of 311 episodes, with 3 to 4 new episodes getting released every week.

Victor is currently 69 years old, making him one of the oldest podcasters who has a legacy of experiences and encounters to share. 

The Creator Behind the Podcast 

Victor Davis Hanson is a renowned American public figure, a historian specializing in military history, and a professor and a farmer.

He was born in 1953, and brought up in a farming family. To this date he lives in a farmhouse that has been in his family since a long time. 

Victor completed his graduation from Selma High School and did his PhD in classics from Stanford University.

After his education he started teaching and lecturing at many renowned universities and organizations. 

Currently, “Victor is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College.” (source)

He is also a writer, who has completed numerous pieces of articles and research papers along with 26 books on warfare, military, and other political verticals.

Some of his famous books include, “The Case for Trump” which he completed in 2019, and a recent 2021 published “The Dying Citizen”.

He was also a commentator on different subjects of politics for some of the renowned magazines and newspaper tabloids including The Washington Times and the National Review (which currently reviews a lot of Hanson’s podcasts).  

He has been awarded on many occasions for his works, with many prestigious awards which include the prestigious National Humanities Medal by President George Bush in 2017.

Check out the whole list of his recognitions and his biography here

His perception towards humanity, and his whole life, which greatly influences all his works, especially the Victor Davis Hanson Podcasts, is described best in his own words below:

“I see my whole career as integrated

I grew up on a farm and inherited a tragic view from my parents and grandparents. 

Studying the classics for eight years, both here and abroad, and teaching them for twenty years, all reiterated the sense that human nature was unchanging and the human ordeal predictable. 

Whether it was working on a farm or reading Sophocles or Thucydides, the message kept being reiterated in different ways: 

Nothing really changes.” (source)

Reach and Influence

Victor is a celebrity and enjoys immense popularity over a wide array of social media handles and elsewhere. 

His Twitter has 251.7K Followers.

There are numerous exclusive fan clubs and pages for VDH (Victor Davis Hanson) on Facebook. One of the pages has more than 50K followers.

The same is on Instagram with fans creating several VDH accounts featuring images and discussions in relation to his podcasts and other works. 

His publicity is the primary reason his show has such a following. 

Although it is not just his public figure for the show’s success, the podcast is one of the real and original platforms for news and political discussions, which contributes to the show’s far reach. 

The show has 4.9/5 stars with 4.5K ratings on Apple Podcasts

All the podcast episodes are broadcasted by a number of platforms and radio channels like Audible, Rephonic and are not exclusively available on just Apple or Google. 

This is one of the other factors for the show’s large fan base.   

Some of his shows make headlines and are covered by international news channels and mediums. 

It is one of the very few talk shows which has an IMDB review page. 

He is called upon on several talk shows and radio channels as a guest which promotes his and his podcast’s reach more.

Check out this episode of John Anderson’s show (which has more than 250K subscribers), where he is joined by Victor to discuss the political and ideological union of American states.

We estimate that the Victor Davis Hanson Podcast receives at least 400k views each time an episode goes out across Apple, Google, Youtube, Spotify, and Amazon podcast networks.

The Format of the Podcast

Victor Davis Hanson Podcast features global news highlights and debates, and discussions on political and cultural events.

The podcast starts with the co-host’s voice greeting and introducing Victor. 

The co-host is also a celebrity and a very well-known political and public figure, having the required knowledge base to share the dice with Victor. 

He/she then gives briefs of all the show’s titles for the episode. 

Later, you hear Victor’s voice answering some of the questions the co-host directs at him in relation to the theme of the show or sometimes about his personal or academic life. 

From here, the show continues with Victor and the co-host discussing each topic in great detail.

Victor analyzes the news, sharing his insights, personal stories, and experiences. 

In a recent episode titled “State of the Union” aired on 10 February, Victor is joined by Sami Winc for a discussion on “Biden’s State of the Union speech, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and a Ukraine update.” (source)

Listeners also love Victor’s views on different cultural and social behaviors, which make a major part of the podcast’s discussions.

In another episode titled “Our Broken Kaleidoscope” the co-host Jack Fowler and Victor mostly talk on “transgendered activism and current cases of black-on-white violence”.

The podcast lasts for 1 hour and 10 minutes on average and generally ends with the co-host or Victor himself answering questions or reading out comments by the listeners, concluding on a thanking note for all the viewers. 

Reception and Impact

The podcast is very well received by audiences, with thousands of listeners tuning in for each of the podcasts episodes. 

The spectators appreciate Victor’s style, who talks like a learned sage, analyzing important political scenarios and giving honest opinions reflecting his deep experience.

Check out one of the comments below:

“Victor Davis Hanson is always a delight! 

He is very informative in a no nonsense way, he gives you information, pros and cons, what he thinks about the subject without preaching to you, leaving one the ability to form their own opinion. 

He can also keep it light and bring a smile to your face throughout his podcasts.” – xntrik656 (source)

Final Words

The true reporting and the deep analysis is what makes the Victor Davis Hanson Podcast a great hit and a must-try.

Currently, a lot of news streams are tainted by unjust political and financial influence. 

And in the middle of all this, you would naturally appreciate getting something that reports a straight view of what is happening around you. 

And that is all that this podcast is about.

You can stream the shows live on Apple, Google, Youtube, Spotify, and Amazon podcast networks, along with many other services.

Victor Davis Hanson Podcast
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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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