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The Ultimate Guide To Pet Blogging How To Start And Succeed


The Ultimate Guide To Pet Blogging: How To Start And Succeed

If you love snapping pics of your pet and can’t imagine anything better than spending the day getting them dressed up in fun animal-friendly outfits or playing for hours on end with toys, then learning how to become a pet blogger might be the perfect fit for you.

Keep reading to find out how you can get started with pet blogging and succeed.

What is a Pet Blogger?

A pet blogger is someone who decides to share their pet’s content online, making the animal an all-start content creator or influencer. Most pet accounts are run by the pet’s owner and oftentimes start out as a way to show their love and appreciation online, sharing content with other communities of animal lovers. 

Pet bloggers generate awareness by creating content and promoting products to their audiences that are related to the animal industry, such as food, insurance, clothes, and toys. 

A lot of the time brands will headhunt pet influencers using social listening tools and finding bloggers who are already sharing their products online without a prior partnership in place. This happens because companies prefer to work with influencers who already love their products, especially when the niche is pet-related. 

For example, if your pet has digestive sensitivities and only eats special dog food then you wouldn’t want to partner with a different food brand to the one your pet likes. Brands know this, and that’s why they make a point to work with bloggers who genuinely love their products already.

Nowadays, blogging doesn’t have to be solely website-based. With the emergence of social media blogging can be done on pretty much all platforms. Youtube is great for long-form vlog videos, as are Instagram reels and TikTok. 

This means, that if writing blogs on a conventional website isn’t your thing you’ve got other outlets to choose from. 

Ultimately, it just means that you’re sharing your pet’s life online in whatever format you enjoy the most!

Benefits of Becoming a Pet Blogger

Because most companies have different types of affiliate programs and partnership agreements there isn’t really a concrete answer when it comes to the benefits. 

For example, some pet brands prefer to work with macro-influencers and offer a paid partnership in exchange for deliverables. Whereas other brands focus their strategy on micro-influencers who have fewer followers but more engagement and authenticity by providing them with freebies and registering them as affiliate partners.  

So, there’s not really a one-size-fits-all when it comes to pet blogging, let alone the benefits. But, some of the most common perks include:

Free Products: Seriously, who doesn’t love free products? The joy on your pet’s face as they get given a brand new toy, or their tail-wagging as you unwrap a new bag of treats are moments that you can experience with awesome freebies. 

Freebies are a win-win for everyone involved. You get free pet products that your furry friend will love, and brands in return get their much-needed UGC content. 

Paid Partnerships: Paid partnerships are probably the most popular perk to becoming a pet blogger. This is when you reach an agreement with a brand to post content on your pet’s social media channels in exchange for payment. 

Most of the time, brands will send your their products to create the content but you’ll also be paid a fixed fee per post which is agreed upon beforehand.

Event Invites: This benefit is normally only awarded to high-level affiliates or macro pet influencers. It consists of brands inviting pet bloggers to a launch events, trips, experiences, etc.

Affiliate Marketing: A lot of the time influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are confused. But let’s try and get some clarity on the two.

An affiliate program is usually open to the general public, with very few requirements. This means, that if your pet accounts don’t have a lot of followers you’d be able to sign-up anyway and promote the brand’s products online to earn commission on sales. 

Whereas, influencer marketing normally entails a brand and a pet influencer reaching an agreement for a partnership where the content creator is paid for sharing content on their social media. Most of the time, brand representatives will headhunt pet influencers online and reach out to them directly. 

Pet bloggers who are participating in a paid sponsorship with a brand, can oftentimes also sign up for the company’s affiliate program in order to generate further income by getting their followers to shop using their link or discount code. 

Affiliate programs normally offer a percentage of each sale in the form of commissions. Which is a great way to monetize your pet blogging. 

How to Become a Pet Blogger

Becoming a pet blogger isn’t complicated. If you have a passion for animals and love creating content then you’re pretty much there!

Make sure to follow these tips to become a successful pet blogger:

  • Research compatible pet product brands: Look for pet product brands that align with your overall vision and are centered around the type of pet you have. Brands whose products you already use are always a good place to start. 
  • Build a personal brand for your pet: To become a successful pet blogger you’re going to need to focus and prioritize social media. If you want to land some paid partnerships then you’ll need to curate your pet’s personal branding. This can help add a layer of professionalism and recognizability to your blogging efforts. 
  • Grow your engagement and following: Don’t worry if you’re just starting as a pet blogger and don’t yet have a large following. The key to growing your accounts is to be consistent. Create a posting and engagement schedule that you can follow which allocates a specified amount of time per day where you can engage with your audience and then the same for content creation. 
  • Pitch pet product companies: Once you’ve worked your way through all the steps mentioned above you’ll want to start reaching out to companies via direct message or email. The best way to pitch pet product brands is to send them your pet’s media kit!

Famous Pet Bloggers

Let’s take a quick look at some of the most popular pet bloggers on social media!

  1. Juniperfoxx

Juniper Foxx is one of the most famous pet bloggers on Instagram. The account is run by her owner and was originally intended to showcase the life of rescued exotics. 

On the account, we can see a bunch of other rescued animals as well, such as snakes, donkeys, and even raccoons.

In this post, we can see an example of pet blogging. The owner of the account has snapped a couple of pics of Juniper, and details in the foxes’ bloodwork came back all clear, letting her audience know not to worry.

  1. Waffles_the_cat

Next up is Waffles, a cat influencer with 858 thousand followers on social media. This all-star cat has been awarded a spot in Forbes’s top ten influencers roundup. 

In this post, Waffles can be seen promoting Natures Logic, a pet food brand. The collaboration is a paid partnership, that consists in getting the audience to enter a competition. 

  1. Crusoe_dachshund

Lastly, we’ve got Crusoe the dachshund, with over 873 thousand followers on Instagram alone. This wiener dog extraordinaire has won a Peoples Choice Award and is a New York Times bestseller. 

Where Can I Find Opportunities for Pet Blogging Partnerships?

It probably goes without saying, but the best strategy for finding paid partnerships is to approach brands directly. A lot of the time, brands will have a dedicated page on their website where you can fill in an influencer form. 

If they don’t have an influencer application on their website then you can pitch them via email. 

The following are pet companies that offer affiliate programs and are open to working with influencers:

These brands are a good place to start!


Hopefully, this article will serve as a guide to help you get your pet blogging career started.

If you love creating content and have a beautiful or funny pet that you want to show off to the world, then pet blogging is most definitely a perfect fit. 

So, what are you waiting for?

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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