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The Clark Howard Podcast A Guide to This Popular Personal Finance Podcast


The Clark Howard Podcast: A Guide To This Popular Personal Finance Podcast

No matter your income level or lifestyle, everybody can benefit from learning more about personal finance. With podcasts recently rising in popularity, many podcasters have created shows about personal finance and budgeting. Today we’ll take a look at The Clark Howard Podcast, a popular personal finance podcast that will change the way you look at your finances.

Two of the reasons why podcasts have risen in popularity over the past few years are that they’re easy to listen to on to go and they allow you to be intentional about what content you consume. Because of this, finance and investing is one of the most popular podcast genres that people listen to.

The Clark Howard Podcast is a highly beneficial resource for anyone interested in improving their personal finances. Clark Howard has over 30 years of financial expertise, and he seeks to share practical and actionable ways that you can improve your financial life.

Let’s talk more about what The Clark Howard Podcast entails and what you can expect to hear on the show! 

About Clark Howard

Clark Howard started hosting The Clark Howard Podcast back in February 2017, but he has been active in the finance and investment industry for over 30 years. Needless to say, he has a ton of highly beneficial advice to share with listeners on the show. For the last 6 years that the podcast has been on the air, it has consistently been one of the most popular podcasts in the finance category.

Themes and Topics Covered on the Show

In a typical episode, Clark Howard will focus on two finance-related topics, and he usually spends around 10 minutes talking about each topic. He also incorporates an ‘Ask Clark’ segment into his episodes where he answers listeners’ finance questions. Here’s a recap of 3 episodes you can expect to hear on the podcast.

01.26.23 The Labor Shortage & New Tech Efficiencies / Changing The 5 Day Work Week

This episode that aired recently in January 2023 talks about the labor shortage, new technology efficiencies, and changing the 5-day work week. At the beginning of the episode, Clark talks about the labor shortage specifically in the restaurant industry. He then goes on to talk about drone deliveries and how technology is changing our future.

In between changing topics, he answers a few finance-related questions from the show’s listeners in his segment called ‘Ask Clark.’ Later in the episode, he pivots into talking about employers implementing 4-day work weeks for a better work-life balance. He also talks about how the 4-day work week benefits both employees and employers.

Listen to The Labor Shortage & New Tech Efficiencies / Changing The 5 Day Work Week episode here.

02.14.22 Saving Strategies for Financial Independence / Home Title Protection

In this episode which was released in February 2022, Clark Howard talks about both financial independence and home title protection. Additionally, he incorporates 2 ‘Ask Clark’ segments into the show. He starts off the episode with a personal story about his childhood of his dad telling him he was laid off from his job, and then he segways into talking about saving strategies for being financially independent. 

Later on in the episode, he talks about home title fraud and how you can protect yourself and your property. He talks about which homes are most at risk when it comes to home title fraud and what to look out for to ensure your financial safety. 

Listen to Saving Strategies for Financial Independence / Home Title Protection here.

06.30.21 Working Teens & Roth IRAs / How much should you spend on your wedding?

This episode was released in June 2021, and it covers working as a teenager, Roth IRA accounts, and wedding budgets. At the beginning of the episode, Clark goes into why he thinks working as a teenager is important. He also talks about why starting a Roth IRA when you’re young helps create better saving strategies.

In the second half of the episode, he pivots into talking about how much you should spend on your wedding. He talks about the term “micro-wedding” which is becoming much more popular since the pandemic. People are scaling back their weddings in terms of the size of the wedding, the venue, the catering, and more. 

Listen to Working Teens & Roth IRAs / How much should you spend on your wedding? here.

Podcast Reach

Clark Howard has 73K subscribers on YouTube, 35.3K followers on Instagram, and 32.2K followers on TikTok.

On YouTube, where view statistics are readily available it appears that the average podcast receives between 2,000 views and 30,000 views per episode.

As of January 2023, The Clark Howard Podcast was ranked #9 in Apple Music’s USA Investing category.

Based on this analysis we estimated that The Clark Howard Podcast receives 25k to 50k listens each time an episode goes out across Apple, Google, Youtube, and Spotify podcast networks.

Structure and Formatting of the Podcast

Each episode of this podcast is typically between 20 and 30 minutes long, so it’s a pretty quick listen compared to most other podcasts. Most of the time, Clark will choose two subjects to talk about in each episode. He also incorporates his ‘Ask Clark’ segment where he answers personal finance-related questions from the show’s listeners. 

If you’d like to ask Clark Howard a personal finance question for a chance to be featured in the ‘Ask Clark’ segment in his podcast, you can do so on his website here.


If you’re interested in personal finance, budgeting, or better managing your financing, try giving The Clark Howard Podcast a listen using the links down below!

Listen to The Clark Howard Podcast on Spotify here.

Listen to The Clark Howard Podcast on Apple Music here.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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