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[REPORT] Gen Z Can’t Get Enough Of This Emerging Content Format (18% More Likely To Watch)

According to Spotify’s recent report, “2024 Podcast Trends Tour,” the audio streaming giant has uncovered new insights into Generation Z’s podcast consumption habits. The report reveals that podcasts are not just for listening anymore, as video podcasts are gaining significant traction, particularly among the younger demographic.

The data shows a 39% increase in the average daily streams of video podcasts globally. Notably, Spotify has seen a 64% year-over-year increase in video episodes and a 78% rise in video shows (podcasts with at least one video episode) released on its platform.

[REPORT] Gen Z Can’t Get Enough Of This Emerging Content Format (18% More Likely To Watch)

Gen Z appears to be leading the charge in this emerging content format. The report states that they are 18% more likely to watch video podcasts compared to other podcast consumers. This finding aligns with the broader trend of younger audiences gravitating toward visual media formats.

The report also highlights the growing popularity of podcasts among Gen Z globally. According to Spotify’s data, these individuals racked up the most podcast streams year-over-year, with Millennials closely following. After STEM-focused schooling, Gen Z is showing an increased interest in the Arts category, which includes content related to art, drawing, film, theater, anime, and more. Collectively, they increased their streams in this category by 31% year-over-year, a trend unique to this demographic.

[REPORT] Gen Z Can’t Get Enough Of This Emerging Content Format (18% More Likely To Watch)

In the United Kingdom specifically, the report reveals that 55% of podcast streams by users aged 18-24 were from shows originating in another country, indicating Gen Z’s desire to expand their horizons and explore international content. This number is even higher for users aged 13-17, at 62%.

The report also highlights the growing influence of podcasters, or “podfluencers,” on purchasing decisions. According to the findings, 63% of people surveyed said they trust their favorite podcast host more than their favorite social media influencer, underscoring the authenticity and credibility associated with podcast hosts.

[REPORT] Gen Z Can’t Get Enough Of This Emerging Content Format (18% More Likely To Watch)

While the study offers insights into Gen Z’s podcast consumption habits, it is important to note that the findings are based on Spotify’s first-party data and may not be representative of the entire podcast industry or all age groups. Read the full report here.

Cecilia Carloni, Interview Manager at Influence Weekly and writer for NetInfluencer. Coming from beautiful Argentina, Ceci has spent years chatting with big names in the influencer world, making friends and learning insider info along the way. When she’s not deep in interviews or writing, she's enjoying life with her two daughters. Ceci’s stories give a peek behind the curtain of influencer life, sharing the real and interesting tales from her many conversations with movers and shakers in the space.

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