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Ross Gray Talks About CaptionAI, Cloud Campaign’s Newest Feature


Ross Gray Talks About CaptionAI, Cloud Campaign’s Newest Feature

To serve clients better, Cloud Campaign released its newest feature, CaptionAI. Learn what this AI-powered tool can do and how it improves the content creation process, as told by the COO of Cloud Campaign, Ross Gray.

To serve clients better, Cloud Campaign released its newest feature, CaptionAI. Learn what this AI-powered tool can do and how it improves the content creation process, as told by the COO of Cloud Campaign, Ross Gray.

Ross Gray Talks About CaptionAI, Cloud Campaign’s Newest Feature

What inspired the development of CaptionAI?

Besides the rapid growth of ChatGPT, knowing that creating engaging content has been one of the biggest struggles of marketing agencies inspired The Cloud Campaign team to develop CaptionAI. As soon as ChatGPT was released to the general audience, Ross knew it would become a hit once they integrated the feature into Cloud Campaign — and he was right. 

The team added prompts into the backend of Cloud Campaign, so whenever someone inputs an instruction, their system will automatically improve that content and optimize it for social media. 

As of this writing, Cloud Campaign’s CaptionAI has been able to generate over 60,000 captions since it was integrated into their system. 

How does CaptionAI differ from other social media caption generators in the market?

CaptionAI doesn’t require its users to input a specific prompt for them to have the content they’re looking for, unlike ChatGPT. The Cloud Campaign team took tons of data and put it into the back end of Cloud Computing, so when a user types a simple prompt like, ‘Hey, create a social media post for this company,’ the platform “massages” that prompt and puts additional fields into that request. As a result, users get content that they’re looking for.

Another thing that makes CaptionAI different from other caption generators is that it has a different caption link. For example, when users want to create a caption for Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, all they have to do is give instructions to the system and indicate where they’ll use the caption. CaptionAI will write different captions optimized for different platforms. 

How do you ensure that CaptionAI doesn’t generate insensitive or offensive captions?

According to Ross, Cloud Campaign’s marketing manager had the same concern and tested CaptionAI to see if it produced insensitive or offensive captions. After, the team had to make a couple of changes in the backend to limit those kinds of requirements. He adds, “If somebody wanted to do that, hopefully, they wouldn’t be able to do it within our system but it is a hard problem to solve.”

What kind of feedback have you received from the early users of CaptionAI?

CaptionAI received outstanding feedback from its users. When CaptionAI was first released, Ross was a bit anxious, knowing that ChatGPT is a free tool that anyone can open and use. 

Fortunately, all of the work the team has put in has been worth it because the feedback on CaptionAI has been incredible, as well as its uptick. In fact, CaptionAI has been very popular among Cloud Campaign’s existing users. 

Can you share some success stories of agencies that used CaptionAI to generate captions for their social media posts?

One of CaptionAI’s users, Web Dynamics, manages about a thousand social media clients, making it very challenging for them to scale up. With this number of clients, writing five posts a week for each client will be exhausting and almost impossible to accomplish. 

But thanks to CaptionAI, Web Dynamics was able to expedite its process and provide better content to all of its clients without compromising the quality or spending too many resources. 

CaptionAI also has clients who love how the tool can generate captions based on the tone they’ve selected. Whether they want captions, which are more upbeat or critical, this feature from CaptionAI has helped various agencies create better content for their customers. 

How does CaptionAI fit into Cloud Campaign’s overall vision for the future of social media marketing?

Cloud Campaign’s mission is to start growing and scaling marketing agencies. CaptionAI helps Cloud Campaign achieve those goals in two ways: optimizing their clients’ content creation process to improve their backend office and helping Cloud Campaign build relationships with their clients. 

With CaptionAI, Cloud Campaign’s clients can now create better content. As a result, clients will be happier and have more reasons to foster professional relationships with Cloud Campaign. 

What advice would you give to businesses that are hesitant to adopt AI-powered tools like CaptionAI?

Ross understands why some businesses are still hesitant to embrace AI. He believes that this hesitation stems from businesses that don’t want to sound robotic or an AI; they want to sound like a person who’s sitting at the backend and writing captions. 

He adds, “I would be very surprised if 80% of what you read online by the end of the year wasn’t written by AI.” But that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any human component to it because if people don’t spend time figuring out the right prompts to use, AI-generated content will come off as robotic. 

For anyone who’s hesitant to use AI-powered tools, Ross advises spending time with at least one of these tools and just trying to play around with it. This way, people will see how powerful and incredible these tools are. 

Are there any exciting news or projects that you want to share with us today?

Aside from maximizing AI for content generation, Cloud Computing is looking to expand by incorporating AI into comment moderation. Ross understands how challenging it is for agencies to manage thousands of comments for their clients. The process requires a lot of work as agencies have to come up with the proper response for every comment. 

Similar to CaptionAI, Ross and his team will put AI into the backend, so it can analyze the comments that come through and suggest responses. They’re also eyeing to pair this feature with an image recognition component.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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