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Eric Farber The Legal Issues Creators Face And How Creators Legal Can Help


Eric Farber: The Legal Issues Creators Face And How Creators Legal Can Help

Creators facing lawsuits are no longer new. Being involved in one can significantly tarnish a creator’s reputation and ability to thrive and stay in the industry. Today, Eric Farber discusses the most common legal issues creators face and how Creators Legal, a fully-integrated system, can help them with their legal needs. 

Who is Eric Farber?

Eric Farber is the founder and CEO of Creators Legal, a platform that provides creators easy access to various legal solutions. Eric, together with his team of former entertainment lawyers, execs, and creatives, aims to help creators protect themselves and build their businesses the right way. 

“At Creators Legal, our mission is to empower and protect the creative community by providing tailored, accessible, and innovative legal solutions. We are dedicated to fostering an environment that supports artistic growth, champions intellectual property rights, and cultivates a thriving ecosystem for creative professionals,” Eric states.

“Through our unwavering commitment to education, collaboration, and transparency, we strive to be the trusted legal partner for creators as they navigate the complex legal landscape and bring their visions to life.”

Eric adds, “Our vision is a world for creators to create without the legal side hindering their production. A production life without the need for expensive lawyers at every turn. We know lawyers may be necessary for some deals and projects, but not for the vast majority. We envision Creators Legal as access to justice for creators. In a current world where 90% of the US Population can’t afford lawyers, our legal solutions give creators access to top-quality legal at a fraction of the cost. This is access to justice.”

How Creators Legal Help Creators Protect Themselves, Their Businesses, and Their Services

All creators, including filmmakers, musicians, content creators, authors, bloggers, podcasters, brands, designers, and solopreneurs, need contracts to protect themselves. 

Creators Legal understands this need and supports creators by offering simple, straightforward, and trustworthy contracts. These contracts protect creators and solidify their intellectual property. 

Common Legal Issues Creators Face and How Creators Legal Helps

Failing to contract with others is the number one issue creators often face today. Usually, creators provide services and work with other parties without contracts and rely on the traditional “handshake” deal. This might seem convenient upfront, but it’s actually a recipe for disaster in the long run. 

Eric Farber explains, “This leads to bad deals, bad relationships, and a lot of wasted money. It also leads to the inability to secure their intellectual property.”

Creators Legal helps creators navigate this problem (and many other legal issues) by making contracts fast in an affordable and easy manner. Eric proudly shares that Creators Legal can complete agreements in less than ten minutes!

How Do You Work With Creators Who Don’t Have Legal Backgrounds

Creators Legal is designed for complete novices. Eric adds, “We have over 200 specialized contracts for many unique situations. Creators Legal has a guided form builder and lots of do-it-yourself education. There have been legal do-it-yourself guides for many years, we are the DIY for creators.”

Creators Legal’s Success Stories

Eric Farber shares that one user reached out to them just as he started his podcast journey. He worked for his family’s printing business and didn’t have enough money to afford legal services. He began using the platform to secure all the relationships he was building. 

Through his persistence and hard work, he was able to build his podcast into one of the most listened to in the world. 

How Creators Legal Stays Up-To-Date With the Changes in the Legal Landscape

The team behind Creators Legal believes in constant and never-ending improvement. The company’s core value is providing the most up-to-date and trustworthy products to its users. 

“We are always keeping up on the latest laws and information just as we would as an attorney,” Eric states. 

Advice for Aspiring Creators Who Want to Protect Themselves and Their Businesses

Anyone who wants to make a name as a creator shouldn’t forget about all legal matters associated with content creation and managing a business. Eric says, “We love creators; they are the renegades of our society. The best way to protect themselves and their content, build relationships, and grow their business is to start it off right and always ensure to get the right contracts in place.”

And we couldn’t agree more. Lawsuits in the content creation space have become more common nowadays. ICYDN, YouTube influencers were slapped with a $1 billion lawsuit, and Logan Paul with a class-action lawsuit, earlier this year. 

How Legal Services in the Creative Industry Will Evolve in the Future

Eric Farber recognizes how the creator and passion economy continues to grow both domestically and abroad. This two-fold distribution for creators has changed. It no longer requires any middlemen from Hollywood to say “yes” to funding and distribution. Additionally, the costs of the tools necessary to create content have dropped drastically, making them more affordable. 

Creators Legal is more than just contracts — it’s a contract management system for creators to help them manage all of the legal aspects of their projects. The platform has an extensive roadmap that allows it to evolve as the creator industry changes and the rise of indies continues.

Eric concludes, “We expect these opportunities to continue to grow and become the basis for the broader economy. Creators Legal will be right there alongside creators to help them through this journey. The future for indie creators is incredibly exciting!”

What Are the Goals and Objectives of Creator Camp, and How Does It Aim to Support Creators in the Industry?

Creator Camp has joined our board of advisors. Creator Camp was founded by four dynamic creators who have become thought leaders in the industry. They joined Creators Legal’s mission to continue to empower the broader community of creators and become a support system.

Eric says, “Having them onboard Creators Legal allows us to understand better the challenges creators face today.”

How Creators Legal Will Evolve in the Future and the Impact You Hope the Platform Will Make

Creators Legal is launching its first crowdsourcing campaign. So far, the company has just taken funds from friends, family, and its founders. Eric explains, “We wanted to prove our thesis to the world before going after a larger round. We put our money up on this project to provide it before risking others. We now have nearly 3,000 registered users and almost 1,500 paying customers who built over 5,000 contracts.”

As of March 29, 2023, Creators Legal’s WeFunder Campaign is still in private mode but will be available to the public on April 1, 2023. Eric is very excited about Creators Legal’s future and hopes more people can join them in their mission. 

What Sets Creators Legal From Other Legal Services

Many legal service providers are available, but most are too expensive, too slow, and don’t understand the challenges creators face today. On average, it’ll cost about $6,900 for a creator to hire a lawyer and have them draft a contract. Creators Legal offers a SaaS solution for creators for a fraction of the cost. 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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