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How online communities are helping content creators - Net Influencer

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How Online Communities are Helping Content Creators Learn and Grow with One Another

Although the internet makes it easier than ever before to connect with people all over the world, it can feel isolating sometimes. Redmon Borinez, founder of Creator Mindset, set out to build an online community just for content creators, so they have a place to make connections, learn from experts in their community, and grow their brand.

Creator Mindset is an online platform that brings content creators all over the world together. The online community allows content creators to learn, teach, and grow together.

Although the internet makes it easier than ever before to connect with people all over the world, it can feel isolating sometimes. Redmon Borinez, founder of Creator Mindset, set out to build an online community just for content creators, so they have a place to make connections, learn from experts in their community, and grow their brand.

Most content creators are able to work for themselves from home. Of course, they partner with other brands and might do some traveling for work But the job doesn’t come with a team of people to work, learn, and grow with, as a typical job might. 

Redmon Borinez
Redmon Borinez, founder of Creator Mindset

Redmon Borinez took notice of this and decided to do something about it. He founded Creator Mindset, an online community where content creators from any industry can come together and talk about their work, ask questions, and be transparent about what it really takes to make it as a content creator in 2021.

A Creator Mindset

You might say that Redmon has always had a “creator mindset.” He was an avid video game player in college, but he knew that he wasn’t living up to his full potential. So, in 2014, he decided to take a course that was designed by some of his favorite YouTubers. He ended up becoming a valuable member of that community and began to see how important it was to surround yourself with a group of like-minded individuals online.

Leaning into his tech know-how and his passion for being involved in online communities, Redmon started working for Jumpcut, an online platform that helps entrepreneurs launch their own businesses. When Jumpcut had to downsize their team, Redmon went in search of another opportunity. 

He found inspiration in the form of a Starter Story newsletter. Starter Story is an online platform founded by Pat Walls where successful entrepreneurs share their journeys to success. Redmon was interested in this kind of transparency and thought that the online creative community could use something similar.

“[Finding] Pat Walls was a huge pivot point in my whole life. He was the one who helped me see this whole vision of being transparent, which actually kind of made me start Creator Mindset where I have loved helping content creators,” Redmon said.


Initially, Redmon wanted to create and grow his personal brand, but his ideas never seemed to pan out. He never let go of that “creator mindset,” though, and used his drive to help other creators. 

“I wanted to create my own personal brand,” he said, “But yeah, that didn’t really become a thing. What really fulfilled my vision was actually helping other content creators in starting their own brands. I had more success helping them than helping myself.”

Redmon found that his true passion was helping and interviewing content creators. 

“I love helping content creators and the aspects of interviewing content creators,” he said. “So, I wanted to use Creator Mindset to build up a network [and] eventually start my YouTube channel, so I can use [the platform] as a leg up to help me do that. And then, Creator Mindset was born.”

Since launching Creator Mindset, Redmon has interviewed over 150 content creators. He believes that interviewing creators and sharing their stories will help others along their own journey.

“Everyone has a story to tell, and we want to be that platform to tell everyone’s story because I believe that everyone’s story is unique. I believe that if we share people’s stories on how they started their journey, that can influence a lot of people,” he said.

Supporting the Creatives of Today

Through all of his experience working with content creators, Redmon has been able to discover certain things that work well for creators, and certain things that don’t. For example, Redmon advises content creators to focus mess on marketing themselves right off the bat, and more on developing their own voice. 

“If their content is good, the marketing will follow,” he said. “I know a lot of content creators out there, that I actually personally know, that [have] done no marketing and [are] doing really well at [their] particular niche.”

Furthermore, Redmon believes that TikTok is the most innovative creator space, and it is too often overlooked. 

“[There is] huge potential for brands to connect with influencers, to advertise there.. I truly believe, even though it’s still new, that TikTok is a really good place to catch people’s engagement.”

Finally, Redmon says that the most important thing that a content creator can do is join an online community – even more so than taking educational courses: “I paid for a lot of courses back in the day, but what was most important to me was a sense of community.”

Creator Mindset is an online community that is currently exclusive to content creators. It is a place “where everyone can learn from everyone,” in a way that is meaningful, genuine, and authentic. 

Eventually, Redmon has plans to open up his platform to brands so they can find content creators to partner with, so stay tuned into what Creator Mindset has happening in the future.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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