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Everything You Need To Know About The LuvLink Ambassador Program


Everything You Need To Know About The LuvLink Ambassador Program 

Ambassador programs are no longer new. Countless brands have been using this social media marketing strategy for years. But for the program to succeed, ambassadors should have an innovative product to sell — like LuvLink’s Friendship Lamp. Find out why this brand, its offerings, and its ambassador program is different from its competitors.

Ambassador programs are no longer new. Countless brands have been using this social media marketing strategy for years. But for the program to succeed, ambassadors should have an innovative product to sell — like LuvLink’s Friendship Lamp. Find out why this brand, its offerings, and its ambassador program is different from its competitors. 

As the name suggests, LuvLink is a brand that focuses on strengthening bonds between friends and loved ones, regardless of their location. For LuvLink, what they’re selling aren’t only products — they’re a symbol of love and affection and aim to help people stay connected. 

Recently, the brand launched its ambassador program. And while there are plenty of ambassador programs out there, LuvLink is quite different. Want to know why? Continue reading, as we’ll provide a rundown of everything you have to know about the LuvLink Ambassador Program. 

What is the LuvLink Ambassador Program?

LuvLink’s Ambassador Program invites its community, called the LuvLinkers, to join its mission of keeping the world connected. The program is designed to highlight the unique selling points of LuvLink’s products and how others can use them to stay connected, even over long distances. 

According to Nathanael, the Director of LuvLink, “We want to share the stories of our ambassadors and how they use our products to stay connected with their loved ones. We also want to boost our ambassadors’ reach by sharing our favorite content in fun and creative trending missions for TikTok. We want to keep our ambassadors engaged and connected with frequent communication with the community and easy access to brand employees.”

Ambassadors who sign up for the program are rewarded with the highest discounts, free products, and gift cards usable for future purchases. They also receive exclusive access to news and updates and have opportunities to earn great rewards. 

In short, the brand aims to foster relationships with ambassadors through the program. This way, ambassadors are given the mediums to connect with their followers and loved ones and expand their reach while helping the brand promote its products and services. The brand also rewards ambassadors for their loyalty and dedication and ensures they have the best experience possible. 

What Are the Goals of the LuvLink Ambassador Program?

One of the biggest goals of the LuvLink Ambassador Program is to grow its community beyond 121 influencer relationships. The brand also aims to use the program as a means to engage more with their loyal community — that’s thousands of LuvLinkers across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok!

Another goal LuvLink’s Ambassador Program wants to achieve is to drive brand awareness, reuse genuine content for ads, and easily track ROI. LuvLink believes this program is a worthwhile long-term investment for its community as it helps build professional relationships through its unique products. 

How the Ambassador Program Fits Into LuvLink’s Overall Marketing Strategy

LuvLink’s Ambassador Program supplements its marketing strategy as it repurposes content received from ambassadors through paid ads. This way, the brand can utilize user-generated content for its marketing campaign without starting from scratch. 

Incorporating user-generated content from its ambassadors will significantly improve LuvLink’s marketing efforts. A new study shows that 35% of millennials find user-generated content more memorable than content from other mainstream sources. 

The program also uses missions that align with the brand’s long-term marketing campaigns, which is crucial during seasonal holidays. Because ambassadors are encouraged to create content during specific seasons of the year — say, a Facebook reel on romantic relationships during Valentine’s Day and a Christmas gift idea video during the holidays — the brand can reach a wider audience. 

Lastly, the LuvLink Ambassador Program fits with the brand’s overall marketing strategy because it harnesses the powers ambassadors have today. Through the program, the brand utilizes ambassadors to create content about its products and services, resulting in an increased profit. 

The brand also lets ambassadors share and post about LuvLink’s competitions and other marketing campaigns the moment they happen, which is highly beneficial for last-minute promos and campaigns that require a quick turnaround. 

What Are the Requirements for Becoming a Luvlink Ambassador?

The program is open to everyone, regardless of the number of followers they have on social media. Anyone who is creative, active on social media, and interested in the brand, and keeping in touch with their loved ones can become a LuvLinker.   

Ready to become a LuvLink ambassador? Click this link and follow the steps provided.  

How Does LuvLink Select Members for Its Program?

When selecting ambassadors for its program, the brand checks its social media activities, the quality of its previous content, and the engagement its content receives. Ideally, all the content should be high-quality and authentic. 

Ultimately, the brand prohibits ambassadors with a discount-sharing profile from joining. 

What Kind of Support and Resources Do Ambassadors Receive From the Brand?

Ambassadors are provided with all the tools they need to succeed after they’ve signed up for the program. For one, the brand gives ambassadors access to a quick response message center, where their queries or questions are addressed as soon as possible.

Ambassadors are also given regular brand updates and early access to upcoming events, sales, or campaigns. For ambassadors without a product, they are provided with various media resources, so they can still participate in missions and win rewards. Ambassadors with products are given content guides that’ll help them create better content to drive more sales. 

Ambassadors who complete desirable actions, like sharing discount codes on various social media platforms and creating highly engaging content, receive bonus rewards from the brand. Ambassadors will also have access to the brand’s technical support, which is a godsend for anyone who’s new to content creation or isn’t tech-savvy.

To ensure convenience, ambassadors can use Brandbassador’s app to complete LuvLink missions. Since the app is integrated with the ambassadors’ social media accounts, sharing progress is as easy as 1-2-3.

Most importantly, brands have dedicated support to help them manage their community, troubleshoot programs, and come up with better content.

Examples of Successful Campaigns Led by LuvLink Ambassadors

Since LuvLink launched its ambassador program, it has received tons of content from its ambassadors. Most of these videos generated thousands of likes and views on social media. 

Here’s one uploaded during the holidays. It shows a girl receiving LuvLink’s Friendship Lamp and then setting different colors to communicate with her best friend.

This other video shows how LuvLink’s Friendship Lamp improves relationships — even when couples stay under one roof. In the video, the couple used the lamp to communicate better, especially after fights. 

This video was posted in late January, encouraging social media to connect with their loved ones on Valentine’s Day using LuvLink’s Friendship Lamp. The video shows a couple using the lamp to play some sort of lamp war and saying how much they miss each other.

Measuring the Success of the Ambassador Program

LuvLink uses several metrics to measure the success of its ambassador program. For starters, the brand looks into the ROI after an ambassador creates and uploads content on social media. The higher ROI, the more successful the program is.

LuvLink also looks into the quality of the ambassadors’ content, as well as how the content improves brand awareness. When there’s an influx of people talking about LuvLink and its products and services on social media, the brand considers the program successful. 

How Does LuvLink Ensure Ambassadors Effectively Represent LuvLink?

Since ambassadors affiliate themselves with LuvLink through the program, it’s essential for the brand to have measures to safeguard its image and authority. LuvLink achieves that goal by creating a set of brand guidelines that promote positive behavior. Ambassadors are expected to follow every item on this guideline the moment they sign up for the program. 

LuvLink also reposts and shares ambassador-generated content online that aligns with its ideals and values. This strategy is like hitting two birds with one stone — LuvLink gets to educate its audience about what the brand is, and ambassadors have a better insight into what type of content to post that best fits LuvLink. 

Ambassadors also receive educational messages every week to promote Missions. These messages include clear Mission descriptions along with several links and examples. With access to these resources, ambassadors have a better idea of what type of content to post (and not to post) when associated with LuvLink’s Ambassador Program. 

How Does LuvLink Incentivize and Encourage Ambassadors to Stay Engaged and Active in the Program?

Brand ambassador programs last anywhere from six months to one year or even longer. Within this period, not all ambassadors will have the same level of enthusiasm — some will lose interest after a couple of months. So, how does LuvLink prevent this from happening?

LuvLink has several strategies to ensure its ambassadors stay engaged and hyped throughout the program. For example, the brand regularly exchanges messages with its ambassadors. LuvLink also provides high-reward missions for ambassadors with good actions. 

To help ambassadors get the ball rolling, LuvLink provides easy-to-complete tasks. This strategy is useful, especially to ambassadors who don’t own any LuvLink products yet. When tasks are simple and don’t require any specific product to complete, ambassadors aren’t easily discouraged or frustrated. On the contrary, they’re encouraged to keep going. 

LuvLink also keeps ambassadors excited by creating missions centered on trending themes on TikTok. For example, missions requiring them to use trending music, dance moves, transitions, or filters on TikTok. And this strategy works wonders, especially for millennial ambassadors.

According to Eventbrite, nearly 7 in 10 millennials have FOMO (slang for fear of missing out). This drives millennials’ experiential appetite, causing them to show up, share, and engage across different social media platforms. 

As an attempt to hit sales targets, LuvLink comes up with challenges regularly and has ambassadors compete. Whoever wins receives unique rewards.

LuvLink’s Plans for Its Ambassador Program

To continually attract new ambassadors and keep existing LuvLinkers engaged, the brand already has plenty in store for the program. In the future, there will be plenty of new product releases, ambassadors will be given early access to new products and sales, and ambassadors will enjoy flash sales, especially for them! 

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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