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Fiverr Vs. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers


Fiverr Vs. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

Freelance work is one of the most popular ways to make money these days. With the flexible work hours, the ability to work from home, and the option to work with a range of different companies, it’s no wonder why more and more people are choosing to freelance.

The two sites are Fiverr and Outsourcely.

From a business perspective, hiring freelancers can be an economical choice as well. Oftentimes it is cheaper for businesses to hire out different freelancers for work rather than hiring an entire staff.

Back in the day, it could be difficult to connect freelancers to clients. But now, there are many different platforms designed specifically for that purpose. Today, we will be taking a look at two of those sites and seeing which is the best platform for buyers and sellers. 


Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is a two-sided freelance marketplace designed to connect freelancers to clients. The most popular forms of freelance work on the site, and the ones that are the highest paid, are website design, proofreading and copywriting, and social media management. 

Founded in 2010, the site originally was advertised as services starting as low as $5. Although you can still find some services that cost this price, many services can cost upwards of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Fiverr is a multi-billion dollar marketplace and completely global, with the site being offered in a range of different languages and countries. 

How does Fiverr work for freelancers?

Unlike many freelance sites, Fiverr is completely free to use, and you don’t need any outstanding qualifications to be approved to sell on the site.

Once you sign up, you can start posting gigs – which is what Fiverr refers to as service posts.

Unlike other job sites such as LinkedIn or Indeed, freelancers post the types of services they provide, and clients will reply to the posting and ask for the service to be completed. 

You can deny a request at any point, but make sure to remember to reply to all requests, as ignoring messages can look bad on your profile.

When posting your gig, you want to be sure to include key information such as deadlines, budget, and qualifications. Why should this client hire you for their project? Make sure to include finished products of your service if you can, as well as testimonials from other satisfied customers. 

Below is an example of a highly-rated seller.

As you can see, this seller has told potential clients what type of work they can expect to receive, as well as education background as it is relevant to the service.

This is an example of one of Fiver’s Top Rated Sellers. 

Fiverr has a ranking system for all sellers. You automatically start as a New Seller, and move up to Level 1, Level 2, and Top Rated Seller.

To reach Level 1 Seller, you must have been an active seller for 60 days, complete at least ten orders, and earn $400 or more, amongst a few other requirements. Once you reach Level 1, you can post more gigs and have the option to add extra features onto your gigs.

Below is an example of what it takes to make it to a Level 2 and Top Rated Seller.

Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers
Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

As you grow on the site, you will have the option to create packages for  your gigs. These packages can offer different pricing tiers for clients that start at Basic, Standard, and Premium. 

Premium packages are often more expensive, but offer more content, decreased deadlines, and often have the ability for clients to ask for multiple revisions if they are not satisfied with the final product.

Below is an example of a seller’s packages.

Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers
Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers
Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

Note – Although Fiverr is free to use, the site takes a 20% cut from all total sales. That means you will be coming home with 80% of your profits at the end of a sale.

How does Fiverr work for clients?

You can easily switch between being a buyer or a seller on the site. Fiverr is free to use for clients as well as freelancers, which means you can use the same profile. 

When searching for a freelancer, you can choose between any of Fiverr’s hundreds of unique categories, such as HTML design or psychic readings.

Simply click on a gig to learn more about the seller, and request your service. Remember, they can deny your request at any point.

You can manage all your orders in your dashboard, as well as manage payment and other services.

If you are struggling to find a freelancer to match the project you’re working on, you can also submit a request. This will allow Fiverr to match you with a freelancer that they think can best suit your project. You can then message the seller directly to discuss budget, deadlines, and what exactly the finished product will be.

Below is an example of the submission request.

Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

Fiverr will charge a 5.5% fee on your orders, as well as add a $2 charge for all orders under $50 USD.


Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

What is Outsourcely? 

Outsourcely is a platform designed to help connect remote workers to online companies. Founded in 2014, the site has over 400,000 remote workers in over 180 countries, and is one of the top Work From Home companies in the world.

How does Outsourecely work for Employers?

Although it is free to browse through remote worker profiles and post a job posting, the site for employers is not totally free. To connect with the workers, post multiple job posts, and hire these workers, you need to subscribe to one of two subscription plans.

The small business plan, at $79 USD a month, allows you to post 5 jobs a month, hire your workers, video message, live chat, and have 3 users on the account.

The professional plan, at $229 USD a month, allows you to post 30 jobs a month, connect with 500 workers, and have 10 users on the account.

Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

You can hire candidates in fields such as design, sales and marketing, customer support, and more.

Outsourely claims to help reduce your payroll by up to 75%. The site has testimonials from businesses such as nResult, NYDLA, and ContinentsApart. 

How does Outsourcely work for Workers?

Once you sign up, you can start browsing remote positions, such as the one below.

Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

As a remote worker, you can craft a profile to show off your qualifications and skills. Your profile could be discovered by an employer, or you can apply directly to job postings. All interviews and communication can happen directly on the site, as well as all payment once you are hired for a job.

The best part is, Outsourcely allows you to keep 100% of the profits from your service, which is very rare for freelance platforms.

Fiverr V. Outsourcely – Feature Comparison For Buyers And Sellers

Which freelance platform is best?

Both sites certainly have their advantages. For more serious, long term work, Outsourcely may be your best bet, both for employers and for freelancers. However, the site is expensive to use for employers, freelancers not having to pay commission fees will be a huge selling point. But for shorter tasks and a wider range of freelance options, Fiverr may be the better program for clients and freelancers, even though they will have to pay more in fees.

Which freelance site will you choose? Do you use an alternative? Let us know down below.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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