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Why are Podcast Audiograms Great for Marketing


Why are Podcast Audiograms Great for Marketing?

So, what exactly is a podcast audiogram, and how can I use it as social media content on all my platforms? Today’s piece covers why podcast audiograms are great for marketing, their biggest benefits, and where you can share them. Keep reading for our audiogram best practices guide and a comprehensive list of tools you can use to create audiograms.

What is a Podcast Audiogram?

Previously, the word “audiogram” was associated with hearing tests. However, a podcast audiogram is a new way to tease social media viewers into following your podcast. 

A podcast audiogram is a file combining an audio clip from your podcast, the corresponding sound wave, visual art, and, often, a dialogue transcription. 

Why are Podcast Audiograms Great for Marketing?


Many creators love podcast audiograms because they require less work to create than a full video or new content to advertise their podcast. Many viewers also find them more interesting than a gif. It also gives viewers a chance to hear your podcast, tempting them to click on the podcast link in your post’s description. 

Why are Podcast Audiograms great for marketing? 

Podcasts are excellent for marketing your podcast, especially on short-form social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram, where people scroll through their feed. 

An attractive one-minute podcast clip with an eye-catching photo or video and soundbars immediately intrigues the average viewer. Anyone who comes across an audiogram post will learn about your podcast, and you can stand out among other content by delivering value with your post. 

Why are Podcast Audiograms Great for Marketing?


Another reason podcast audiograms are so great for marketing is they tell a story. All good marketing tells a story. Taking a short story or valuable information byte from your podcast and combining it with an exciting picture immediately draws humans in.  

What are the benefits of audiograms?

There are a huge number of benefits when using audiograms on your social media platforms. 

The benefits of audiograms: 

  • Attracts more listeners: Many podcast listeners are also on other social media platforms. By creating content for different platforms that advertises your podcast, you’re opening your podcast up to a broader audience and the opportunity to attract more listeners. 
  • Diversifying your audience and income: Content creators often rely on social media platforms and other websites to host their content. However, depending on just one platform can be risky for your financial security because a private business can choose to ban you from the platform at any time. Building a larger audience on more than one platform provides additional protection because if you were banned on one platform, you’d still have a way to reach out to your followers on the other platforms you’ve built. Having multiple, thriving platforms can also make you more attractive to brands for sponsorships. 
  • Saves you time creating content: Rather than creating brand new content for every social media post, you can repurpose existing content from your podcast to make an audiogram. This step saves you time while still being an effective way to draw in new listeners. 
  • Bite-sized content: Many popular platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, only allow for short, bite-sized content, which is limiting to creators with long-form content like podcasts. An audiogram allows you to participate and share your podcast content on these platforms without changing what your brand is all about. 
  • Great for trailers: Podcast audiograms can build suspense around your upcoming episode or a new podcast season. You could embed them into your website or use one as a YouTube channel trailer to quickly summarize your content and style to potential listeners. 

Where can I share my podcast audiogram?

You can share your podcast audiogram just about anywhere. Here are a few of the most popular places to post podcast audiograms: 

  • Instagram reels
  • TikTok
  • As a YouTube short or YouTube channel trailer
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Facebook
  • Reddit

Best Practices for Sharing Podcast Audiograms

Use the following checklist to maximize your success sharing podcast audiograms: 

  • Interesting but brief caption
  • Eye-catching visual art and soundbars
  • Add transcription on screen
  • Keep your podcast audiogram under 60 seconds, even if the platform allows longer posts
  • Tag all podcast guests, sponsors, or cohosts
  • Share on all of your social media channels
  • Add three to five relevant hashtags (Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook)
  • Create geotag for relevant locations if applicable (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook)

What are some tools I can use to create audiograms?

We recommend the following tools for creating audiograms. 


Descript provides podcasters with all-in-one video, audio, and media editing tools. You can easily upload your media to Descript or record directly in Descript. Descript offers transcription tools to make the process simple. 

Descript offers a free trial for the first 3 hours of AI transcribed video and audio. 

Check out these Descript tutorials: 


Headliner is one of the most popular podcast audiogram tools available. With Headliner, you can automatically transform podcasts into shareable videos for your social media platforms. They are a paid platform, but their pricing is more budget-friendly than most. 

Check out these Headliner tutorials: 


Wavve allows you to turn your podcasts into bite-sized video clips for social media. The biggest downside to Wavve is transcription is not built-in. However, they offer integration with Zubtitle, which can transcribe the media file for you. They offer a variety of pricing options, including a free option that allows you to create up to two minutes of Wavve videos per month. 

Check out this Wavve tutorial: 


Auphonic is a budget-friendly, web-based option for creating podcast audiograms. They offer features like multitrack algorithms, audio restoration, loudness normalization, and an intelligent leveler. In addition, Auphonic has a free plan for up to two hours of monthly processed audio and a wide variety of other plans to fit your needs. 

Check out this Auphonic tutorial: 

Final Thoughts

Podcast audiograms are a newer way to share and entice new listeners to your podcast. When used well, they can create a significant impact on social media by increasing your podcast listeners and followers on other social media platforms and reducing your time spent creating original content outside of your podcast. 

We recommend checking out different tools for audiograms and trying their free plans or trials to dip your toes into the world of podcast audiogram creation. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your visuals and podcast audio for a unique piece of content sure to draw social media users in.

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Amy DeYoung is a freelance blog post writer covering influencer marketing and business topics. As the daughter of two business owners, she's been fascinated by all things business from a young age, which led her to graduate from college with a bachelor's degree in business. When she's not typing away, she spends her time reading nonfiction books and mystery novels, baking scrumptious desserts, and playing with her dog.

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