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Fiverr's Photo Editing Services How To Enhance Your Influencer Content


Fiverr’s Photo Editing Services: How To Enhance Your Influencer Content

Influencers have an endless number of tasks to stay on top of, from photo editing, video editing, writing, brainstorming, engaging with their audience, and much more. How do influencers stay on top of everything? Many of the most successful influencers outsource specific tasks, like photo editing services, to eliminate tasks off their to-do list. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top photo editing services used by influencers.

Many types of businesses, from single entrepreneurs to large corporations, outsource some of their work to help them grow faster, be more productive, and achieve a happy work-life balance. 

Outsourcing eliminates tasks you don’t enjoy, such as email management or creating thumbnails, and tasks that are time suckers, such as video editing and research. You can also utilize someone else’s expertise and outsource projects in areas that you don’t have the necessary skill set. 

For many influencers, this can be photo editing services. 

While it’s unlikely that you create content and don’t know basic photo editing skills, like adding filters, cropping the photo, etc., there are many specialty photo editing projects that may be outside your skillset. 

Instead of investing tons of time and money into learning these skills and purchasing the software yourself, consider outsourcing these tasks so that you can focus on what you do best – engaging your audience and growing your influence. 

Photo Editing Services for Influencers

Photo editing can take up a large portion of your time to work on big-picture projects, engage your audience, and create new content. Instead, consider outsourcing your photo editing projects. 

One of the easiest ways to outsource photo editing services is through a freelance marketplace like Fiverr. On Fiverr, you can find project-based pricing at nearly every price point, receive 24/7 support, and find freelancers with the right skill set for your specific project. 

Here are just a few of the top photo editing services for influencers that can save you massive amounts of time when you outsource them. 

Photo Editing and Touch-Ups

Regardless of what kind of social media platforms you create content for, you can definitely outsource some kind of photo editing or touch-ups for your content, thumbnails, user photos, and much more. 

Here are just a few of the most popular photo editing services on Fiverr: 

  • Skin retouching: This service includes smoothing out imperfections in your skin, removing blemishes and redness, and softening wrinkles to enhance your appearance. 
  • Image cropping and resizing: If you have a favorite photo or piece of content and want it resized to fit many different mediums, such as Instagram posts, reels, YouTube thumbnails, TikToks, and more, a Fiverr artist can quickly take this task on. 
  • Color correction: If your photo is leaning too cool or too warm, or you’re trying to create a specific aesthetic on your feed, consider color correction services. This will adjust the white balance, saturation, contrast, and other color settings to create a specific effect or make the photo look more natural. 
  • Composite image creation: This unique service combines multiple images to create one cohesive picture, which can be helpful for making montages or collages. 
  • Text and graphics overlay: Adding a text or graphics overlay to your photo gives your audience additional context and information. You could also add your logo or name to boost brand awareness and prevent others from reusing your work without crediting you. 

Social Media Template Creation

Creating social media templates is time-consuming, especially when you put time and effort into making unique ones that stand out from the hordes of recycled Picmonkey or Canva templates. 

Save yourself time by outsourcing this task to an experienced freelancer. Having fresh, exciting templates on hand will keep your content fresh and your branding consistent. 

Branding Materials

Do you have a logo, signature, or great user photo?

If not, consider getting these made up. Remember, you are your own brand, so your logo, photo, and signature should reflect you and your brand’s message. 

If these elements are inconsistent, this can confuse your audience and possibly discourage new viewers from following you if they can’t quickly tell what you’re all about or identify you across multiple platforms. 

Many Fiverr artists create logos, signatures, and other branding materials to help you create a consistent message across your platforms. Also, polished branding materials will help you stand out from the crowd and look much more professional to brands. 

Background Removal

Product photos, portraits, and thumbnails can all benefit significantly from background removal services. 

With this service, the background of an image is removed entirely to make the subject (you, a product, or highlighted location) stand out. 

This image can also be saved as a PNG and reused for future thumbnail creation, inserted as an overlay on videos, and much more, making it an excellent reusable asset. 

Merch Photos

Are you getting ready to sell some incredible merch? 

Double down on your merch photos before launch day to make your launch a massive success. Remember, a picture says a thousand words, so ensuring photos of your merch look amazing is key to selling more. 

Services for merch photos can include hiring a professional photographer to take photos of your merchandise, having a professional format your photos, or having them touched up and edited to make a solid first impression. 

You can also have banners, advertisements, and photo content about your merch made up by a Fiverr freelancer. 

Custom Images & Vectors for Your Website

Planning on building a website? Don’t resort to basic, overused vectors and graphics for your website. 

Instead, outsource this task to a graphic designer or illustrator who can create custom graphics and vectors for your website that are on brand and consistent with your message, brand colors, and more. These small touches make a huge difference in your website’s overall look and feel. 

Influencer Media and Press Kit

Lastly, don’t forget that excellent photo services can pay for themselves when they help you land brand deals. 

A media or press kit is a collection of promotional materials that provides the press or brand with information on you. This goal can be to help media members write accurate articles about you or provide a brand with information about the services you offer, your rates, engagement, metrics, and much more. 

In either case, an outstanding media or press kit allows you to nab more opportunities by presenting a detailed but user-friendly, visually-appealing guide to you and what you’re all about. It also makes you look much more professional, rather than copying and pasting your rates into an email or sending over an unedited, plain Google Doc. 

Final Thoughts

Outsourcing photo editing services allows you to benefit from top talent who spend their days editing photos and will inevitably be more skilled at it. It will also give you more time to focus on big-picture tasks, deadlines, and any other tasks that frequently get overlooked in your scramble to stay on top of everything. 

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Amy DeYoung is a freelance blog post writer covering influencer marketing and business topics. As the daughter of two business owners, she's been fascinated by all things business from a young age, which led her to graduate from college with a bachelor's degree in business. When she's not typing away, she spends her time reading nonfiction books and mystery novels, baking scrumptious desserts, and playing with her dog.

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