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A Bold Travel Marketing Move Sending Influencers With 20 Million Followers On A Trip They Couldn’t Share


A Bold Travel Marketing Move: Sending Influencers With 20 Million Followers On A Trip They Couldn’t Share

Social tour company Contiki has partnered with creative agency We Are Social Australia for an unconventional influencer marketing campaign called “Switch On Social Travel.” The initiative takes a group of 17 influencers, with a combined following of 20 million users, predominantly aged 18-35, on a trip through Portugal and Spain.

However, in a bold departure from conventional influencer activations, the campaign dares these travel content creators to completely detach from social media for the entire seven-day adventure. The aim is to allow participants to fully immerse themselves in the cultural richness, free from the pressures of posting or seeking online validation.

Contiki North America president Melissa DaSilva says the campaign redefines how the tourism industry leverages social media. “It’s about inspiring the audience to rediscover the real essence of travel – connections made, cultures explored, and memories created away from the digital gaze,” she states.

Throughout the social media blackout, Contiki provides fans glimpses of the trip through videos capturing the influencers’ authentic experiences and connections formed while unplugged. Over 30,000 photos and 40 hours of footage are produced and edited into various video formats.

After reconnecting online post-trip, the creators are sharing their enriched perspectives with followers. The company has released this user-generated content and brand videos across digital platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

We Are Social ECD Ben Clare says that the campaign addresses how documenting travel for social media can dilute the joy of being present. “It’s certainly unconventional to involve travel influencers in a way that actually reduces their online time, but it’s a powerful message: travel is more fulfilling when you live in the moment, not just capture it,” he emphasizes.

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David Adler is an entrepreneur and freelance blog post writer who enjoys writing about business, entrepreneurship, travel and the influencer marketing space.

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